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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    Everquest Test Server - Solo/box Old expansions possible?

    Everquest Test Server - Solo/box Old expansions possible?

    Test Server - Solo/box Old expansions possible?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    Ever notice how EK looks like a minecraft sperm? cant unsee it now can you?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    Difficulty deciding between Pal/Nec/Shm and Sk/Wiz/Shm advice would be appreciated

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    Both seem pretty strong. But having a hard time deciding between the two. No Mercs. I know Pal/Nec/Shm individually but never played them together. Never worked up a Sk or Wiz before so that is kinda intriguing. I'm a pretty casual player like well rounded groups, I kinda like to do a little bit of everything rather than specifially focusing on 1 thing hard core. Some dungeon crawling, exploring, some xp/plat farming, want to kill named that I come across. Will raid when I find a guild so I'll main either Pal or Sk. Alternatively can run Sk/Dru/Enc my start so all are lvl 23, trying to decide without investing too much time. Sk/Dru/Enc has the most utility it seems of any 3 box combo, pretty much have everything except pick lock. But the extra utility that isnt needed seems to be a waste as a lack of dps potential. What would you recomend? Also always willing to invite LFGs for fun

    submitted by /u/GhostIsItsownGenre
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    [Mischeif] Question about the Nagafen and Vox Dragons

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    I haven't played in many year but I was reading these dragons are level capped at 52? If I have a group of players around 49-52 approximately how many would I need to fight these dragons? Is this something I can do with a group or will we need a large number of people to attempt these? I really want to try and do some epic quest this time around while playing and see these dragons drop epic quest items plus some other really cool items.

    submitted by /u/TrammieSurprise
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    What's the deal with spell research passed Classic?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    I cant find much online about it. Is it still possible to research spells during other eras? For example, if I have max spell research, can I craft spells when Mischief hits PoP/LDON eras?

    submitted by /u/ShextMe
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    96 necro look for 96-100 solo spot

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 12:34 AM PDT

    CR beach is yellow an currently rot rooting for exp. Any other recommended spots?

    Ps. Looking for grouping/leveling/raid guild on FV

    submitted by /u/scyohe
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    Advice needed from experienced players for TAKP 3-box (Luclin and soon PoP) ENC/CLR + (BST or NEC or MAG)?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    I need some advice from experienced players at end game in both Luclin and PoP (I play on TAKP). My goal is to be able to do some deep dungeon crawls and try some crazy 3-box named camps.

    I have an Enchanter / Cleric duo (would prefer Druid, but read that late game only Cleric can keep up with the heals and power > convenience for me) and am torn between Beastlord, Necromancer and Mage (distant 3rd) for my last spot in the trio.

    I am leaning towards Beastlord because I like to melee sometimes and can flip this trio to main either the Enchanter (charming) and macro the Beastlord to pet attack and dot/nuke or main the Beastlord and have the Enchanter support with slows/haste/dots and nukes. SoW and a stacking HP+Mana regen buff is also a bonus .

    Necro adds great utility with easy-mode CR (corpse summon from wipes deep in dungeons) and other DPS and utility stuff (snares, mana pump, etc.) so all in all a powerful combo, but no melee.

    Mage is all DPS and the least utility (summon items, CoTH, Malo, DS, but no HP/AC/Mana buffs). Also, I read that their pets become less and less powerful (relative to the mobs) the higher you level.

    Does anyone see any limits with the ENC / CLR / BST combo or will I regret this choice when trying to tackle named camps in Luclin and PoP?

    submitted by /u/N2O-Gamer
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    Suggestions for transferring off of Selo

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    With the upcoming merger of Selo to povar on 7/21, Im looking for live server suggestions. Currently have 4 accounts lvl 90. I don't want to Goto FV.

    My original eq server was the rathe but I'm not sure it's very populated.

    submitted by /u/cedarieq
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    Kunark Launch Day - Lucky Sprint to Pally Epic!

    Posted: 23 Jun 2021 08:58 PM PDT

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