• Breaking News

    Monday, October 21, 2019

    Everquest Anyone from Cantus Fidelis here?

    Everquest Anyone from Cantus Fidelis here?

    Anyone from Cantus Fidelis here?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:47 PM PDT

    First of all: Mods, if this post isn't appropriate, feel free to delete. I did check the rules first, but nonetheless....I don't want to create unwelcome spam.

    Anyway....I know this is a major shot in the dark, but I was wondering if anyone from Cantus Fidelis (Luclin server back in the day) is active on this thread? I haven't played EQ in years, but I often think back to those times and just find myself smiling. It would be wild if any of you guys were still playing, and it'd be awesome to group up :)

    Again...shot in the dark, but I figured it was worth a shot =p

    submitted by /u/Jammin_On_The_Keys
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    Launcher keeps closing while patching

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to get back into the game but every time I try to patch, it runs fine for like five minutes then just closes itself.

    When I run task manager, it says its still running it the background. So I left my computer running overnight, thinking it was just patching in the background.

    Fast forward to today and it only made it to 11%. Huh. Well, I can confirm it was not patching it the background but what the hell, man?

    Not even Google could find a fix for me. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/LordDankerino
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    Let's group!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    I'd like to get together with people and .level together. Server doesn't matter but I've been messing around on agnar, I like that it doesn't have mercs or defiant. I can't do emu servers due to my internet

    What I'd like is to create a family. Let's all talk and get to know each other and have a different kind of attitude. I want us to be the hey guys what's cooking can I come help attitude.

    I want to take our time and do dungeon crawls and older content but at the same time leave the door open for anything we can accomplish.

    Let's pick a server and make some memories and good times. I am messing around on agnar on a 23 necro, my go to classes are cleric or necro.

    Let's stop this solo stuff and bring back the human interaction. We can pick a server and make a guild if enough are interested.

    I want us to build real relationships. I know plenty of you want this too. Let's use this thread to plan it out.

    submitted by /u/VGCodeMaster
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    Fun three box- The Boom Brothers (1 Shadowknight and 2 Wizards)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    I mained a Wizard for about five years then stopped playing for about five years. When I came back, I could not remember the info for my main account, so I started to play the Shadowknight on my box account and rolled a new Wizard on a new account.

    SK/Wizard is a really fun combo. I admit, I use a healer merc, but don't really need her for a lot of the fights. THEN, my roommate from college happened to have the login info from my original account, and the Boom Brothers were born. TWO Wizards and a Shadowknight!

    I have been blasting the shit out of a lot of content with this three box. Wizards are painfully easy to box, and my SK is great at holding aggro. I don't have a lot of utility, but it's SICK when the Wizzies are critting.

    The Boom Brothers are all 110 now; I can't wait to play them against newer content.

    Does anyone else have a "less than traditional" three box? I love experimenting with various classes.

    TL;DR: For a fun change, try a two wizard, one SK three box.

    submitted by /u/Earthicus
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    Any /melody or other tips for heroic bard box? (2 boxing on miragul heroic TLP)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    Looking for guides for HoT era bers/rogue

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    Since the new TLP is launching at 85 I am looking for well written (or video) guides for either BER or ROG. Having only leveled to 60 before I'm just looking for what I need to know as far as rotation, AA's to get first, skills to use in what order, etc. Does this even exist? Most guides I'm finding are geared for 110 content, but I'm really only looking for up to level 85.


    submitted by /u/cobrah01
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    Anyone know of any warrior Clickies?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2019 10:58 PM PDT

    Getting back into EQ and going clicky farming. Anyone know of any warrior usable transportation clickies? Or non illusion clickies? Or generally useful for a warrior?

    submitted by /u/MindJava
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