• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    Everquest Was Looking for "Mood Music" after learning the news, Found a great piano player of EQ songs

    Everquest Was Looking for "Mood Music" after learning the news, Found a great piano player of EQ songs

    Was Looking for "Mood Music" after learning the news, Found a great piano player of EQ songs

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

    If anyone else is interested, check here:


    "Temple of Life" felt particularly appropriate.

    submitted by /u/Halfwise2
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    Cheapest tradeskill to push for the GM trophy?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:21 AM PST

    Trying to work on making the tradeskill aug. I believe (hopefully not mistakenly) that it only requires that one of your trade skills have the grandmaster level trophy.

    What's the cheapest tradeskill and recipe to spam to get that?

    Edit: I might should clarify here. Cheap is probably not what I meant.. I think I meant what recipes will get me to the GM level that has 100% vendor-bought ingredients?

    submitted by /u/Jibeker
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    Old Noob

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:02 AM PST

    I love this game. I couldn't describe my early teens without the bulk of it being focused around EQ and everything leading up to, and including, Luclin. It resonates with me even now, as I'm obviously on this sub talking about EQ and have been for a few years. Much like many of you, it really makes me happy to see the uptick in posts here over the last year as it's telling to there being some sort of revived interest in the game. It makes me really want to play more but that's the problem; the extent of my in game knowledge stops with Luclin.

    I'm pretty casual with my play time and usually only log on once every other month or so and only for a few hours. Typically I end up wondering around old zones and camping rare drops I never could get by myself back in the day. It's fun but nothing that's going to keep my attention for more than the night. I keep my guild and general chat windows open and will jump at any opportunity to help somebody if I'm able to, but that's few and far between. I know about the TLP servers but I don't have the time to dedicate to starting over just to fall behind again and end up in the same boat I am now.

    I'm going to sound petty here but I'm going to say it because it's the truth; everyone I used to play this game with is dead. Literally meaning I have zero in-game friends ATM. I don't like the idea of boxing on my own and couldn't really get the hang of it so I typically end up doing as described above whenever I play. I have several toons ranging from heroic 85's up to 110 max AA's so I don't need anything of monetary value or help leveling, I need somebody to show me the ropes of the last few years' worth of content…and I'm perfectly fine with that being by helping someone PL their toons, farm items/plat, or needing an extra person for a player flag. I'd like to tag along. I'm quite literally a veteran noob (is noob still a thing?).

    I'm pretty rusty on my toons anyway given I haven't been in a raid since probably 2010. At this point I have no idea what half of my hot buttons do. Some of the newer ones I've never even used. I'm just looking for some good, patient, casual folks to help me out in that regard. Help me helping you basically. I don't even care if you're being paid to PL someone and boxing, letting me jump in and follow you around is helping me enough (bearing in mind I might as well be a new player). All of my toons are currently on Bristlebane but I don't mind transferring if something like what I'm looking for is available and on somewhat of consistent basis. I'd like to play more often than I do but everything I've said above is deterring me from doing so. I have a pretty big schedule change coming up in my personal life that's going to allow me to do so as well as a son who I'd love to get playing it with me. Please let me know if you think you've got a spot for me, I'd love to get back into this game!

    submitted by /u/HeXor99
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