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    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Everquest Everquest Collection

    Everquest Everquest Collection

    Everquest Collection

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    I'm posting my collection of Everquest books/music/videos.

    Inside you'll find RPG books that are filled with wonderful lore, soundtracks to multiple different Everquest games, and various videos that I thought were fun.

    If you have anything you think should be added PM me and let me know. I'm still working on adding things so check back every so often if you're interested.

    I'm looking for any of the Everquest Fiction books in eBook format (Blood Red Harp, Rogue's Hour, etc.)

    I'm also looking for the remaining Trial of the Isle promotional videos. I believe I'm missing Artisan, Mage, and Hallmark .wmvs.

    I'm also looking for the Planes of Power Soundtrack if anybody has a copy of that.

    Thanks for looking. Hope you enjoy.


    submitted by /u/CowboyHatPropaganda
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    Can I get to max level with 1 character in Fironia Vie? Which class?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    I've tried boxing, and I just really don't like it. I like playing one character with a merc. I also like playing for free, I'm tight on the money right now.

    So which class do you think I can get to max level on FV with a free account? I'm thinking maybe Necro? Mage? Beastlord? Whatever merc they use won't be all that great, so maybe a rogue to not run out of mana fast?

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Golfing_on_Jupiter
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    To those asking, "What is the best class?"

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    EVERY best class is the best class. By far. Play your class to the limit. Druids and Shamans, I am talking to you. I run raids all day long.

    DPS, I need you. Fucking pop your shit. I can only keep it up for so long. D & S back up healing. MAIN TANK

    submitted by /u/Earthicus
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    What are the downsides of playing on a boxing allowed server that don't exist on a truebox server?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Everyone seems to think the two new TLP servers will be Mangler clones. Assuming this is true, which server is preferrable to play on? The guild recruitment forum has more guilds being formed on Truebox, but why is that?

    I played Mangler for a year, and it's not obvious to me what we gained by being truebox. My guild largely gave up on OW content due to it being too hard to mass there before someone logged in their 30 boxes and killed the mob using "illegal" third party software that never seemed to get them banned. Sirens Grotto has been macro farmed the entire time the server has been up since Velious launched. My guild's dkp system gave 0 loot to boxes that wasn't gonna rot, and still probably 30% of the guild boxed 1 or more toons. At one point, we had 5 people who boxed 4+ characters.

    So truebox doesn't mean no one will box. At best, it means no one can box without buying an additional $50 computer off craigslist (and I'm not convinced that can't be bypassed), but why should I care about that?

    I've heard the argument that boxing is what has kept live servers alive. It's easier to make a cleric box than recruit a cleric.

    So what are the downsides of playing on a boxing allowed server that don't exist on a truebox server?

    submitted by /u/SuperfluousBrain
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    Rogue info

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Getting back into the grind after an 8 year hiatus and want to max out my rogue (he's 80 with 700AAs) but I am having a hard time finding end game information about rogues. What AAs to max first, strategies, how they compare to other melee DPS, disc rotations, etc..

    Looking for a website, forum, or just some info. Any will help.


    submitted by /u/Edzill4
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    [Question] Twink Shaman items?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Brought a friend in and we're doing a twink monk shaman. I've twinked the monk with fungi 2 good 1hbs , silver chitin gloves. I'm a bit clueless on what's important for the shaman.

    What are some essential items / stats that i should focus on?

    Budget is around 10k, but if it's really important i can splurge some more.

    submitted by /u/jy2k
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    Old content worth doing at level 85 to 90?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    What's some old content you can 1 group around the underfoot or hot era (current selo tlp phase)?

    Examples I thought of...

    Ldon specialize augs (still amazingly relevant) Farm fabled earth illusion clicky Seru mounts Plane of time/VT clickies everyone knows about Mpg group trials for perma resists (took me 2 hours earlier) The don or dodh progression for innate character boosts Divine aura clicks from ???

    What are some other ideas for small groups to get relevant power increases, whether items, unique mounts, or novel clicks?

    submitted by /u/HoodenShuklak
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    Tips for TBM Progression - Into The Temple (b) - impossible?!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Have a group of me and buddy who both 2-box: 100 MAG, 96 RNG, 95 ENCH, 95 SK

    RNG and MAG are both AA for the month; alts are Silver

    Anyways, to our issue - this quest required for TBM armor progression, opens RoT Aug vendor I think too:


    When we zoned in for the first time, things were conning red to the mage, so level 103. Rest were whites and yellows to mage (who was highest level mind you). Ench is not high enough to have mez stick; we don't really have a reliable way of splitting. SK is definitely undergeared and there is no way he can tank stuff 5-8 levels higher. Mage air pet can tank the whites maybe yellows with some some AAs.

    Not sure how we can get past this? Is the answer wait until the Ench levels up to get a mez to reliably split? Even if we got like a 110 or something to help us, wouldn't all these mobs level up to him and be red/yellow as well? Basically how is this quest possible lol. Trying to do it do get better geared for the pre-100 guys in the team. Any advice appreciated!

    This is on E-Marr btw if anyone thinks they can assist. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/Durandal7777
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    Everquest 2 Trial of the Isle Videos

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Does anybody have the old Trial of the Isle videos? I'm missing the Mage and Artisan ones. Can't seem to find them anywhere.

    submitted by /u/CowboyHatPropaganda
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    Questions regarding classes and current era that mangler is in.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    I am coming back after a 15 yr break and mangler is about right where I left off. I'm struggling to pick a class.

    I have it narrowed down to .... Necro, bst, enchanter, Druid

    I don't mind to support I don't mind to heal what I'm really looking forward too is raiding and grouping. However I do want a class capable of logging on and soloing some content If a group isn't available.

    As I am on TLP moloing isn't an option.

    I know this thread is beating a dead horse but in just trying to go based off what expansions are on the horizon etc.

    Just looking for some feedback as to how the pet classes are playing these days and how well the jack of all trades Druid is doing and how well they are faring in solo/group/raid play.

    Thank you in advance!!

    submitted by /u/theFleshlightBandit
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