• Breaking News

    Friday, September 25, 2020

    Everquest What are your weekend plans for EverQuest?

    Everquest What are your weekend plans for EverQuest?

    What are your weekend plans for EverQuest?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Need a buddy

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    I want to start this game up again but I want somebody to play.
    somebody hit me up if they want to start fresh.

    submitted by /u/EZYPEAZ
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    Too late to come back?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I really want to come back to eq but I feel like I'd be way to far behind to enjoy it. Anyone know if/when a fresh server might be coming? I heard aradune and rizlona flopped and they're giving xfers free.

    submitted by /u/sad_panda_man
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    Mouse click not working

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    So I am at server select screen. Keyboards work fine, and mouse works fine for everything else but Everquest. I can hover over buttons, but I cannot click.

    Searched the internet, tried F12, tried alt enter to get in and get out, reinstall, remote, nothing works.

    Windows 10 running on onboard graphics. Any help?

    submitted by /u/SuperrrSid
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    Luclin era - sk and pal roles when grouping?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Me and my brother recently started playing on TAKP, currently in Luclin. Hes got a 32SK, and ive been boxing a 38BST/DRU. We find groups whenever we look, but have mostly been keeping to ourselves (currently doing CC geonids, ty ellisan/solis for showing me the spot). He's considering boxing his ENC (24?) and Ive got a decently twinked PAL(20) that I could add.

    So my question is, how to best utilize the tank classes together in this potential, non-optimum group (sk/enc with my pal/bst/dru)? My first instinct is the pally sword/board tanks, while my bros sk does his best 2h dps. Is it possible, instead, to keep the sk as tank and have my paladin spam heal macros in combat? So while autoattacking, something like...

    (/pause 2, /tar brothersk /pause xx, /cast heal /pause xx, /cast heal /pause 2, /assist brothersk /cast stun or yaulp)

    Basically to ease up the druid heals for dps/utility and lessen its hate generation, so I can keep piloting on my bst when grouping? The class choices are pretty set (pal was gonna be my 3rd no matter what. Adds plate tank, ivu, indoor lull, res, and loh to my box when im off by myself... and I just like how that trio plays). Mana shouldnt be an issue with crack/catnip/eventually potg. Appreciate anyone steering me in the right direction, thanks!

    submitted by /u/thinknaught
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