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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Everquest Downloading EQ

    Everquest Downloading EQ

    Downloading EQ

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:47 PM PDT

    Why does it take so long to download EQ my intrney is good but download this game is like so slow it takes hours? whyy

    submitted by /u/djflsghj
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    Necro or Mage...thoughts ?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    So this is kinda my goal(s).

    • Solo a quite a bit
    • Named hunt (not current Xpac)
    • Get my Epic's 1, 1.5 and 2
    • Really push my limits

    So, in the community's opinion, Necro or Mage ?

    submitted by /u/Generic-User-01
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    Firiona Vie to do list for maxed account

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    ok so im boxing 115 sk 115 bst 115 shm 115 necro after I max aas which I will what do I do after getting epic 2.0s for fun besides tradeskilling any expert farmers care 5o comment zones to farm for me?

    submitted by /u/Houndz35
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    Aradune - Next xpac

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    I hear PoP is unlocking soon. I found this link that says Legacy of Ykesha is also releasing the same day. Is this accurate, or is only PoP unlocking? https://everquest.allakhazam.com/wiki/EQ:Progression_Servers_Aradune

    submitted by /u/pandobrando
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    Looking to start on Test

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    I'm curious is there much of a player base for the test server now? Also would it be worth it to create a ranger on live and send over what gear I have and /testcopy or just start fresh on the test server?

    submitted by /u/Crazybard13
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    [Live servers] What are some things newbies / returning players may not think to do that will drastically improve their quality of life?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    I recently came back to EQ after ~20 years of not playing and a lot has obviously changed. There are so many features that have been introduced and I'm sure I'm not taking advantage of many of them.

    • For example, I asked for some advice on how to increase my DPS and most people suggested using a tank merc because they're overpowered until around level 70. I gave it a shot and my tank couldn't hold agro at all - I was literally waiting 20 seconds before auto-attacking so I didn't pull agro. Then, around level 55, a nice person joined my group to help with a quest and I noticed his tank merc was using abilities like taunt, AoE taunt, threat-increasing attacks, etc. - that was when he told me that you have to set your merc's group role to Main Tank in order for them to use abilities. So from 1-55, my mercs used zero abilities.

    • A second example is Guild Halls and the portal system within. As part of my epic 1.0 quest, I had to visit PoSky, and that required buying a teleport reagent and giving it to an npc in PoTranquility. But the teleport reagent was only being sold in some place I'd never heard of. So I spent 15 minutes routing the path from PoK to the reagent vendor, then 15 minutes going back to PoK and PoT. Gave the npc the reagent and went to PoSky. Unfortunately, I ended up getting myself killed. That meant I had to go all the way back for a new reagent. Luckily, somebody in general chat mentioned that I can just make my own guild (for free! - I would have expected a very large fee) and an npc inside will sell reagents for dozens of zones and I can easily port from within the Guild Hall.

    • The final example would be backpacks. I have absolutely no idea where I can get upgraded backpacks (unexpanded bags from the bazaar that cost wayyyy more money than I have are not an option for me). People say "There's a quest here" or "You can get some good ones from achievements" - but which zones, which quests, which achievements are doable for a non-115 players? I'm only in my mid-60s at the moment, so I don't know what's available for me.

    Those are just some examples of things that are second nature to long time players, but totally unknown for returning folks like myself. I've heard people saying they soloed [old world raid boss] at 60, but when I try with my merc I get obliterated - so clearly I'm missing more stuff that would help me out.

    Can anyone think of other stuff that would greatly improve new/returning players' quality of life? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Froyo3652
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