• Breaking News

    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Everquest Mischief Managed - A guide to understanding rare creatures, and where to find them.

    Everquest Mischief Managed - A guide to understanding rare creatures, and where to find them.

    Mischief Managed - A guide to understanding rare creatures, and where to find them.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Hello fellow weary travelers,

    If you're like me, you were a bit confused when you hit the track button, saw a named and got excited at your chance of loot unknown. Only to be disappointed when what you expected to drop was actually what said named always drops.

    Well here's the reason, if the creature you're hunting isn't tagged on EQ's side as "a rare creature", then the Mischief won't affect their loot pool at all.

    For Example, please review this screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/bU7yl1H.png

    In this example (taken from a list of monsters off Allakhazam), Raster of Guk is marked as a Quest NPC, and thus is exempt from the random loot pool, however, since a reanimated hand is marked as "a rare creature", it's fair game.

    You can check the zone your in and the creatures you're hunting by going to allakhazam.com and pulling up the monster list for the zone.

    Hopefully this saves you some few minutes or hours of frustration that it did not save me.

    submitted by /u/tututitlookslikerain
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    Playing EQ in a higher resolution

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!
    Currently trying to return to EQ but I'm having abit of trouble trying to get my UI to scale properly. I've read countless old posts and tried just about every UI available on EQUI to fix my current issue but it doesn't seem like I'm able to find a fix.
    I'm currently running an alienware 34" ultrawide with 3440x1440 resolution. I can scale the chat text and hotbars but when it comes to reading the text for the quests/stats/inventory its really, really rough and very small with no way to increase the size.

    Has anyone found a way around this? Or have a custom higher resolution UI available? Thank you all in advance. I understand EQ was not made to run with higher resolutions but I really would love to get back into the game again!

    submitted by /u/SKnubcake
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    Returning player looking for direction.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    I lost 3 years of my life to EQ from 2003-2006. Started back up from 2012-2013. Now I'm coming back again for some old school memories.

    Can anyone recommend a server that is alive and well and hopefully, not a must but it would be nice, have an okish low level population? Perhaps point me in the direction of some much needed info?

    I found my characters (4 of them) from 2013 on the Vox server, but it seems to be dead. I would hate to abandon all of them and all the money/gear they have. They are low 60s and one high 40. I would like to transfer them, or at least one to the new server. I read up on which servers can be transferred to and which cannot, so I understand there is that issue. If they must be abandoned then so be it.

    I do plan on starting a new character as a main, but it's always nice to have that high level char to use from time to time.

    submitted by /u/TheWesternDevil
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    New eq player

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    So, i'm completely new to EQ. Should i play on live servers, a private server? I'm legit clueless and want to know what you guys would recommend.

    submitted by /u/Lo0nex
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    Full screen settings question

    Posted: 28 May 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Has anyone had issues with their game on full screen mode? I have two monitors. When I run the game on full screen on one, and then use the other Monitor it auto minimizes eq.

    Any help on this would be awesome, it was driving me crazy last night trying to figure it out. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/armchaircommanderdad
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    Leveling path

    Posted: 28 May 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I've been looking to find a really good guide on a good levelling path on a classic TLP! I've read Almars which is great, but, I am finding it's either pay to get, or super duper secretive?!

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive_Nail22
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    Are there any private servers that make raiding possible with single groups?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Not sure if this exists, but is the EQ raid scene possible on any server with a single group of 6? I sadly don't have the time I once had where I can stay up all night and raid with the crew. But would love to find a server or emulator that makes it possible (yet still somewhat a challenge) to clear content without an entire raid force.

    submitted by /u/ShextMe
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    Project Lazarus - Omens of War Launch (EQEMU)

    Posted: 28 May 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Omens of War is now live on Project Lazarus.. With an overall goal of catering to a wide variety of play styles, the server offers a broad selection of re-balanced and custom content, while retaining familiar roots to the base game. Many of the server features, aimed at offering something for everyone, can be found below:

    • Boxing up to 6 (+1 for Bazaar Traders). Strong community support in the server's Discord for those curious about trying boxing for the first time.
    • Out of Era Alternate Advancement that allows for deep and long term character development, along with fun abilities to wield against retro content.
    • Custom currency drops that can be used to purchase Raid gear from custom merchants, sold for platinum as a boost for new players, or converted into AA.
    • Loot system heavily favoring tradability (gear above 125+ HP becomes attunable, revamped Anguish loot will be the server's first exclusively no trade loot tier).
    • Raid tuning balanced to scale in difficulty for 1-4 groups from Classic to Anguish.
    • Re-balanced Anguish raiding to offer a challenging experience to those who have progressed and wish to earn rewarding and revamped loot.
    • No level requirements on loot with the exception of certain procs and click effects.
    • Many custom Race/Class combos, including unique Beastlord pets. Ogre Paladins and High Elf Necromancers rejoice!
    • Bonus custom content aimed at both new and advancing players.
    • High level players can enjoy 'Hardcore' versions of classic zones for challenging gameplay and quality loot.
    • Epic 1.0s buffed from classic versions for increased relevance.
    • Flagging and keying requirements limited to only the very top tier of raiding (GOD & Omens) to help newer players see more of the game as they advance.
    • Expedition system is available for high demand group/raid content, with free solo instances that offer experience bonus for solo players.
    • Buff, Rez, and Port NPCs among many other Quality of Life additions.
    • Active Bazaar economy with lots of options for new players to buy higher end gear and make profits in return.
    • Heavy emphasis on making every class a viable and exciting option to play. With many different group synergies able to progress deep into content.
    • Full Suite of server specific web tools. (Allakhazam clone, Magelo, Server Wiki, Web Bazaar tool)
    • And lots more…

    These features offer viable gameplay all the way from soloing what would have normally been a group challenge in the vanilla game, to facing down raid targets balanced for 1-4 groups.

    Classes regularly receive tweaks and updates to make sure they have powerful and fun niches to explore in raiding and non-raiding roles alike. Knights can perform in high end roles just like Warriors, who enjoy their own increased class utilities. Druid and Shaman are both similarly able to fill in on healing duties in a stronger capacity than their vanilla forms

    Developers and GMs also focus on bringing an upbeat and rewarding community experience through game balance and accessibility intended on keeping the drama low and the fun high. Plane of Knowledge serves as an active hub where new players can grab a starter quest, message a buff class for automated buffs, potentially catch an MGB of Shared Experience buff, and perhaps even find some tradeable shinies sprinkled on the ground by a helpful high level player returning from a raid zone.

    Lazarus hopes to continue flourishing as we leap into the Omens of War era and welcome in new players along the way. Don't hesitate to join us on Discord for even more information or answers to any questions. http://discord.gg/qmSGhJq

    submitted by /u/Dhaymion
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    Out of era loot?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    Curiosity is getting the better of me... what out of era items did you guys get, and is it functional?

    I remember last TLP I got a spell scroll that couldn't be scribed, but that was it.

    Post out of era stuff for fun here so you can gloat and we can be jealous.

    submitted by /u/Lordship_Mern
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    Newish player returning for advice.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    So the most of EQ I played was back in 2019 I level a barbarian to 20. Im returning and curious as to what the best server to play on is. Should I stick to retail or should I try TLP? And if so what classes are preferable for newbs.

    submitted by /u/M33twad
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