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    Saturday, August 14, 2021

    Everquest I've been collecting everquest merchandise for the past few months in order to decorate my setup. I know it's not perfect, but what do you guys think?

    Everquest I've been collecting everquest merchandise for the past few months in order to decorate my setup. I know it's not perfect, but what do you guys think?

    I've been collecting everquest merchandise for the past few months in order to decorate my setup. I know it's not perfect, but what do you guys think?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:04 PM PDT

    How long does 1-85 generally take, Live Servers, and other returning player/boxing questions?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    Hey folks, I've been doing quite a bit of reading for the past day to try and prep for returning but still have a few questions. For reference, I currently have access to three accounts which will all likely be subbed for at least this month for auto-grant etc. Also my goal is to be able to get up to, and enjoy current content, likely including group content. Also hopefully be able to sustain Krono plat costs for keeping at least a few accounts active.

    1.)102 Brd (main), fresh Heroic Shm, 55 Enc

    2.)102 Shd, fresh Heroic Mag

    3.)99 Wiz, fresh Heroic Nec

    The fresh heroics are freebies I've claimed from when they gave them away. I was curious how long a fresh character to 85 would take if I was looking to expand from a 3 account roster, or to add a different class on a current account. I know there's a few ways to go about this, either via solo mercing & doing the heroic adventure or Hatchery DS shenanigans into Gribble, or maybe other methods I am currently unaware of. I personally sort of hate leveling and early nonsense content, so if it only takes a few hours or w/e to level to 85 I'm mostly ok with that, however if it can take the better part of a day (8-10h+) I'd likely just do more heroic characters. How long does the early leveling process take generally, and what tends to be the most time-effective way to do it?

    As far as live servers go, after mergers and acquisitions I've ended up on Tunare. I know the loot and rules being different on FV sort of skew this, but would playing on Tunare be a possible detriment to enjoying the game? Either via lack of possible resources via Bazaar, outside help if needed, etc.

    Finally, I've been looking into the current "meta" class comps for boxing and general feel of classes currently. I know the mantra of "Play what you enjoy." is big and I've seen a lot of people run themed groups (all a specific race, all "evil/good" classes, 6x one class, etc.) so I know ultimately the answer is to play what I like, but I'd still like some input. Are there any stand out sort of "Silver Stars" IE: classes that stand out above others with just whatever AAs auto-grant gives you and non prestige gear?

    I have seen that Wiz/Rogue tend to be considered kind of poor right now, whereas Necro recently went through a bit of a revamp and seems favored. However I've also seen most full box groups tend to run either all melee with SK, Shm, Brd, 2x Zerk, Bst or all caster with Enc, Clr, and assorted casters. It seems Enc is favored over Brd in caster groups, presumably for more mana regen? and Brd in melee for overhaste? I guess I dunno where i'm going with this, I liked the utility and big numbers of the Wiz, but if a Nec or other classes would be substantially better at the same amount of investment it might be better to drop for a different class. I also like the idea of having a multitude of utilities available (Port classes, class to DS for leveling, Mag to summon goodies, classes to possibly solo/small group on if I don't have as much time or can't be bothered logging the army in, etc) but if having 2x Zerk DPS is just that much better, maybe doing that to establish a good foundation then consider the extras later would be better?

    Anyway I'm starting to ramble, thanks in advance for any discussion and answers ya'll can provide.

    submitted by /u/tilamarane
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    EverQuest History: talking with Jeff Butler, Producer on EQ and co-founder of Sigil (Vanguard: SoH)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    Do more casual type guilds exist and how do you find them?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    I've mostly been playing the TLPs the last couple years, but occasionally I also play a little on live servers. I'm mostly a casual player, so I want to find a casual guild where I can find groups (for xp or gear farming or w/e). However whenever I look at recruitment places (e.g. the recruitment megathread on this sub or the official forums), it seems like it's only raid guilds that are advertising there.

    So the question is in the thread title: do casual guilds even exist? And if they do, how do I go about finding them?

    submitted by /u/wildbearmoth
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    Looking to form consistent group

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    A couple of months ago I came back to EQ after a very long lay off. I have a 56 Rogue on Mischief, and I belong to a great guild that raids 2x a week. Leveling has not been an issue as there is a great server population and my guild has been good to newbies.

    However, something is missing. The speed and ease with which I leveled (due to purchased Krono and power leveling from the guild) has taken something away from the experience. I love it, but still want that original feel.

    I want to form a consistent group of 4-6 players that can group 2-3 times a week consistently and level up the way we did in original. Not sure which platform is best for this, but probably p99 to take away the temptation of easily leveling and twinking. I tried this a couple years ago, but some people far outpaced the others as the nights weren't consistent.

    Would anyone be interested in trying this with me? I was considering playing a wizard, but that could be flexible. Please hit me up if this sounds like something you would be up for.

    submitted by /u/flaydendad
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    Dark elf/ Iksar home town

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:43 PM PDT

    Can a dark elf go into the Iksar home town and/or vice versa, Without doing rep grind?

    submitted by /u/AKmanga907
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    Manga ideas

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    How cool would it be to have some video games turned into manga. My list would be. I know that most of the series of books (Warhammer series Diablo series and Warcraft series) and some manga/ graphic novel ( Warhammer and Warcraft). It be awesome to have the series done with a Manga from beginning to what is current/the end of a series.

    1. EverQuest ( all the race starting area and class epic quest).

    2. Diablo ( all the classes from being to end game).

    3. World of Warcraft ( all the classes from being to end game).

    4. The Warhammer ( everything, haha)

    submitted by /u/AKmanga907
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    Call of the forsaken cut scenes

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    Did I imagine them?

    submitted by /u/Crafty-Cauliflower-6
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