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    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Everquest [Live] Efforts feeling futile?

    Everquest [Live] Efforts feeling futile?

    [Live] Efforts feeling futile?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:08 PM PST

    Hey all, I've been trying to get myself ready for the next expansion, usually I play a Cleric but I barely made it 3 months into TBL and I'm not sure what to expect with ToV. I've toyed around with making some new alts and looking for a place I might have more fun, but everything feels kind of futile.

    I'm having trouble finding anyone to do with, everyone I know has just slowly left the game and running around with a tank merc in anything past EoK T1 is really not super fun. My server seems pretty empty, there's a single raid force and I'm not sure if they've beaten TBL yet so the options are limited on that front too, since their schedule doesn't mesh with mine.

    Am I alone in feeling like the newer expansions are being like, needlessly gatekept from casual play? It's not that I don't want to find the group and get stuff done, it just doesn't exist, The tank in my group felt like he needed the TBL gear to even tank TBL, creating a chicken and egg situation for him. There aren't many others to group with, the TBL zones are empty at all hours of the day. The only zones with people in them are pretty much T1 EoK, occasionally RoS HS. So it's just me and a tank merc and maybe a mage or Ranger I can find who is in the same situation.

    First and foremost since it seems to be a popular sentiment here, I'm not interested in playing on FV or Progression servers right now. But I'd like to know if maybe we're getting server merges sooner rather than later or are servers like mine just going to be left out to dry to push people to transfer to FV or Bristlbane or something?

    submitted by /u/ImperialInvolvement
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    Cultural Armor?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:46 AM PST

    I remember it being fairly competitive? But i don't see anyone doing it anymore besides the cultural charms and such. It has some good aug slots i remember my 85 cultural armor was basically on par with the tier 3 group stuff. Almost a 3.5. But finding someone to make it is hard. Thought I'd see if its even worth it?

    submitted by /u/mcramhemi
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    Will the free accounts get access to 110 when the new expansion comes out?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:12 PM PST

    Asking for a box.

    submitted by /u/Earthicus
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