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    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    Everquest Question about AA points.

    Everquest Question about AA points.

    Question about AA points.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 05:43 PM PST

    So, I'm a level 109 Ranger with 17.9k total AA points. (Most from auto-grant) as I've been grouping with players I've been noticing more and more of them are grinding AA's. One fella even told me that I should grind up to 30K AA's at level 110. To me that's a TON of AA's. Do I really need to grind that many just to stay afloat in end-game content (ToV stuff) or should I not worry about grinding AA's till 115?

    I would appreciate and responses you guys have.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/yoinksoftunare
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    Spellcasting effects cutting out before spell has finished casting

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 02:29 PM PST

    I remember way back in the day when I'd cast spells the effects around my character (during the cast bar) would persist until the spell completed. Now they all seem to play for a second or two then vanish. I've done some Googling and poked around in the in-game settings and couldn't find a relevant setting to bring back the old behavior.

    I'm sure everyone is used to it by now but I am finding it pretty strange and would like to go back to how it was even if it requires me to edit some files or patch something.

    EDIT: Just as a side note I am seeing this on two different computers one of which was a recent fresh install and another of which was a patched install from a couple years ago.

    submitted by /u/Sinistrad
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    Good solo class for tlp (duo recommendations as well)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST

    I'm looking for a class that I can play solo with from time to time. I don't always have enough time to get in a group so I don't want to join a group just to fill a spot and leave 20-30 minutes later. I was trying to find a couple of classes that I could do a little grinding on my own when the situation calls for it. I've read Druid, Magician, and Necro were really good solo. I've also read beast is good. I saw bard used to be good or it's still good? How does a SK fair solo?

    Side note: I've been tempted to use my old laptop and have a duo going. What would be a good combination that I could play by myself from time to time. I'm a new player so I want to see a lot of the areas in the game. It seems like there are certain places people go for xp and that is it. I'd like to see the world and the different zones. I've heard Castle Mistmoore was a classic place along with Befallen. I'd like to try and duo those if I can't get a group for them.

    Thanks for all the help guys!

    submitted by /u/PaulyShoreBuhdee
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