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    Monday, November 2, 2020

    Everquest Molo Options?

    Everquest Molo Options?

    Molo Options?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Winter is settling in up here in Canada and my usual winter ritual of finding an MMO to play is in full swing. As usual I'm torn between a couple different ones and trying to weigh my options. I haven't played EQ at or near max level in quite a while but if I'm going to come back I'd like to be able to function to some degree on an independent level.

    Progression servers and Firiona seem to be the go to looking through posts here, I am planning on playing on my original server, Ayonae, wherever that ended up.

    My question is what are my options for higher level group content when moloing? If I'm a level 100 Ranger with a healer mercenary can I tank well enough to do level 95 content? 90? I remember there being a lot of summoning or root and snare immune mobs, so it was hard to find a kiting spot, is that still true too?

    I don't mind playing with others and at some point I might, but often times when I get home from work I just need to do something at my own pace and not feel bad if I just decide to pass out instead of committing to a two hour grind session. That's my main reason for looking at solo/molo options.

    Thank you for any replies!

    submitted by /u/ImperialInvolvement
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    What quests do I need to do to purchase TBM gear?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 04:17 PM PST

    As the title states, I'm looking to find out what quests I need to do to unlock the first TBM aug merchant.

    All the info I've been able to find is pretty vague, including the Almars guide.

    Also, will I be able to unlock the merchant with my 3box group of 88-90 toons?

    submitted by /u/Sutuh
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    Help with Using Tributes

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 08:57 AM PST

    How does tribute work to use points? I've tributed lots of items and have a lot of points but I haven't taken advantage of it.

    Also I've read that I can place my trade skill trophies in my house and use the tribute system to still get the 15% modifier. How do I do that?

    Finally can you start/stop a tribute ability anywhere?

    submitted by /u/klathium
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