• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 12, 2020

    Everquest Any idea on the value? Original prints from 2000.

    Everquest Any idea on the value? Original prints from 2000.

    Any idea on the value? Original prints from 2000.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Legends of Norrath Art

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    If anyone here was fond of the now defunct LoN game and its beautiful cards, you might check out the new overseer mini game in EQ. It looks like they have recycled some of that artwork. Makes me smile because unless you had the LoN Five Year Treasury, that artwork was gone for good.

    submitted by /u/Bellanorte
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    Another returning noob with ideas

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I recovered my two old accounts from the Omens days, last I played on live was circa 2005. No characters of real worth except my 73 Wiz main that I think I let someone play and they got him his epic 1.5, so thanks to whomever. I have played on some emu servers over the last year but that has run its course.

    My idea is to go all access on the 2 accounts for a month and make some toons on the Miragul server with the intention of transferring to Test at the end of the month if that is possible. I like the idea of starting with heroics, i have little to no desire to level all over again. Really its the AA that I want. I cant stay on Live as i am not willing to pay for both accounts at this time. Each account has 4 character slots.

    For toons, my plan is to put an SK and Monk on the account with the wiz and SHM with BST on the other. I feel like that gives me a solid 4 to mix around and experiment with. Any suggestions on others to try? Maybe a mage on one account, maybe a bard? Do i just trash the old wiz to free up a slot? Thanks for the help and taking the time to reply.

    submitted by /u/arzamas24
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    Static group (EU TZ)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    So the other group the was announced about two weeks ago got filled and now I'm looking for players that want to do a static group but during EU playtimes. The plan is that we all start at level 1 and play together. We'd like to do this on the Firiona Vie server. As of new there are 4 spots left to fill the group. If you are interested, please send me a message on Discord at Robin#0068.

    submitted by /u/Robinffs
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