• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Everquest Changes to Aradune and Rizlona!

    Everquest Changes to Aradune and Rizlona!

    Changes to Aradune and Rizlona!

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 05:14 PM PDT


    Hello Everyone,

    After discussing with the team, we wanted to announce a change to the upcoming Progression Servers and also make something a little clearer. Due to the feedback we've received, we're going to be removing the PoP locking from both servers, allowing them to unlock expansions at the established rate (the same cadence as Mangler). The second point is, the dedicated GM status of these two servers is an experiment. We hope that it will prove to be viable, but it does have a time limit associated with it. We are targeting at least 6 months, post server launch, after which we will review the results and move forward from there.



    submitted by /u/Sjaarboenk
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    Just logged into 20 year old account.. anything to be excited about here?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Landmark have future???

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Landmark have future???

    Is Landmark still get updates? (2k20)

    SteamDB screenshot

    submitted by /u/zigutt
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    TLP Tradeskills - Imbued Plate

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Are the imbued plate recipes (ex: http://wiki.project1999.com/Imbued_Field_Plate_Visor_(Karana) )unlocked during classic on TLPs? If not, when do they unlock?

    submitted by /u/Ancanein
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    Good Self-Sustained Duo Classes?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Looking to play on Aradune and looking to have a main that is good dps for raids through the eras and a box to compliment them during solo/farming. I was thinking of Boxing a Druid due to having a porter, buffer, and healer at will that double for PLing other alts you may want to play. I am not sure what main dps class would pair well with them.

    I played a Necromancer on Agnarr and they were great, but with item focuses not being a thing til Luclin, which is when necromancers start falling behind in dps it makes me wonder if necromancer or dps caster is a good choice for main/raider this go around. Would monk be the best choice in this case, since with tlp changes they aren't so gear dependent able to use fists well until a high end weapon or epic?

    Also, while boxing 1 extra character is allowed on Aradune would remote desktoping into my laptop be against ToS? And what is the best option? Currently use Chrome Remote Desktop. This makes things more organized and I can use 1 gamepad/mouse instead of needing extra for the laptop.

    submitted by /u/Vash135
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    Total beginner

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:00 AM PDT

    Hey guy, what's the best way to play the game for a total beginner ?

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    Druid role in groups

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Up until clerics get CHeal I always feel like my druids are contributing to any group, but when I get up to about 50-60 range, suddenly it feels like dpsing isn't worth the time/mana.

    So I keep buffs up and debuff the assist mob, root cc ready. At this point i'd drop a clicky dot or two, but the cast time seems like wasted med time (as the dots wont usually last full length). So all Ive got left is snaring before a mob runs or unnecesarily nuking. Which is fine for a small ragtag group, but in xp (most) groups, the mobs arent alive long enough to warrant any of this, and there is usually a main healer.

    So I end up just keeping ds/regen/wolfform up, and waiting for backup heal, root, and evac opportunities which rarely ever come. It's discouraging since soloing is way more involved and earns just as much xp without always feeling like a burden on a group. I end up avoiding groups (where i feel useless) and not getting familiar with content the rest of my level range are grinding in.

    After a while I feel isolated from the rest of the player base and drop the toon or stop playing, without ever diving into AAs or learning any content post PoP (havent even finished all of that).

    I love the Druid class, when the new servers drop I'll be rolling a pal/druid box on ryslana. Should I just get used to the druid being a wasted group slot after the classic and kunark content? It feels like a lose/lose, if I dont dps then Im literaly just sitting while others are working. If I do, then I havent managed my mana properly for emergencies (the only, rare, time I seem useful in a group).

    Appreciate any advice (aside from not playing treehuggers).

    submitted by /u/thinknaught
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    I seem to have hit a wall......

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    So, been moloing my happy little iksar necro tail up to 56, and I seemed to have hit a wall where to molo at. Generally have a Journeyman I tank merc, and life has been pretty good so far, but as I said, I have hit a wall. NOt sure where to go right now for exp and loot. Ideas ?

    submitted by /u/surgh
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    Looking for / Forming a Guild [FV/Test]

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Howdy, folks.

    I've just recently returned after taking a smidge of a break, and made a transfer over the road from Rathe to Firiona Vie. However, I've got an itch for things as I remember them back during my earlier days - during Ruins to Planes - of grouping, raiding, and the like. Working as a guild towards greater achievements - like raid targets.

    My current character is a 109 SK - and I was wondering if anyone is either recruiting or looking for the same thing; A guild with a desire to raid - not set schedules at first, but maybe something to discuss with others (if formed).

    I wouldn't mind even going to Test Server as an option.

    I am based on CST (GMT-6) timezone.

    submitted by /u/malanoir
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    EQOptions Error Fix?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    So, I recently re-download the game to mess around while waiting for new TLP. I wanted to use the old models so I launched EQ Options, but every option just states Error String. Does anyone know what's causing this so I can use the application to use original models?

    submitted by /u/Vash135
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