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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Everquest Creating new Velious giants - Lots of EQ eye candy!

    Everquest Creating new Velious giants - Lots of EQ eye candy!

    Creating new Velious giants - Lots of EQ eye candy!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I really enjoyed this part of the latest episode of The EverQuest Show. One of the most fascinating parts, was the new giants that were created for Torment of Velious, and how that process was done.

    Here's an article with lots of great EQ eye-candy! Check it out and be sure to share to help support the EQ Show!


    submitted by /u/FadingIllusion
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    Completely new player - wait for new TLP or Mangler?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Only ever played EQ in the past up to level 10. Recently got the itch for an MMO again and hopped into Mangler and am at level ~20 but just discovered that new TLP servers will be coming soon.

    Should I wait for the new ones (will Mangler die in population?)

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/_orbitaL
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    The trouble with Heroic Characters - or how I got my arse kicked in Feerroott The Dream

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:34 AM PDT

    I've just taken advantage of the free Heroic character per paid account and have a new minted SK, SHM and Mag on three separate accounts Luclin (Live server). I also have a Heroic Druid that I paid for a year or two ago on the same account as the SHM.

    Starting with the SK, I set up hot-bars, spell sets and macros and went questing to get my J5 mercs. This was straight forward as the J5 quest mobs are not particularly difficult. Following this I thought I'd hang around and actually learn how to play a SK (50ish was the highest I'd ever played one before).

    With a J5 healer on reactive I started grinding the dark blues in the zone and I guess I got my arse kicked hard - dieing about every ten pulls until I got the hang of FD.

    I'm trying to get a feel for FD pulling, aggro control and surviving the oh shit moments of accidental over-pulls.

    I tried this in Direwind and the light blues there were too easy to really get a feel.

    Any suggestions on where I can go to practice this where the mobs are easier but not too easy?

    Is this an expected result trying to molo a SK in Feerrott The Dream?

    My plan is to do the same with the SHM and Mag, individually before I put together a 3 box and start questing HoT group content.

    As background, I played from 1999 until the end of LLoY and then came back 2 years ago and have been playing on and off since then. I've almost exclusively played as a druid.

    It's totally possible that I'm a really crap player!

    submitted by /u/io_thanateros
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    New TLP, uncommon dual box classes

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    We all know the dual box powerhouses. Has anyone done some interesting combos before that they enjoyed and had some added benefit?

    I did a Bard and Wizard on Mangler, it was pretty fun, classic was okay but really was fun after Kunark with better quading with bard support and speed plus ports and Hate trash farming.

    What other duos out there sound interesting that are off meta.

    submitted by /u/notesboats
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    Any Australian or others in Australian time zone planning on Aradune Launch?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Hello guys, new here but not to the game.

    Just wanted to feel out if there is any others in a similar time zone to Australia that is thinking of playing on launch of Aradune on the 28th (27th for US people).

    Been playing EQ on and off since around Luclin expansion, mainly Necro and Shadow Knight, a little of Monk.

    Would be great if some of us could group up and enjoy the game. I will be playing an Ogre shaman.

    Even if just one or two others, duo and trio grouping is fine :)

    submitted by /u/Korinth-Argolis
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    need a TLP monk reminder on some things

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    Are the claw and kick attacks on seperate cooldowns on TLP? basically giving you an extra attack? also does the in-combat bandage trick work like it does on p99? thanks

    submitted by /u/Bejita231
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