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    Everquest Does this sub allow memes

    Everquest Does this sub allow memes

    Does this sub allow memes

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    laptop for eq raiding

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    Any recommendations on a laptop that will run eq with near full settings while in a raid? No problems on my desktops, but my thinkpad w530 cant really handle raiding. I've been looking at surface pros and newer thinkpads, but not sure about quality. Ultrabook is a plus

    edit: I play on TLP

    submitted by /u/memphistwo
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    Worth it for an old timer?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Played this game religiously through GOD/OOW. Tried a TLP in 2015 and again with Aradune and just few slow and bored. Really want to try to relive some of the POP/LDON days. Is there a way to just create a character and make my wya though that content or is that all just too far gone? I haven't played the live version since 2005. I know there are mercenaries and stuff now to help level up but is that content just way too long gone? Can I even find people to play with or gear?

    I would love to just play through some old stuff as a character I never tried before, like a bard or a beast master or a SK. Not sure if it's possible. I have all access so thought I might try.

    submitted by /u/JackedSecurityGuard
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    TLP server where to get good xp for a boxed 32 chanter and 32 druid?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Where do you guys suggest I go just chanter and druid to get some good xp?

    submitted by /u/Artaniss
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    VM detection

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Is there any indication on whether someone running EQ on VM can be detected doing so? Is it even against any rules?

    submitted by /u/borgy95a
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    Aradune - Tinkering Bugged?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    I created a Tinkering alt and decked it out with as much INT gear as I could afford for a total of 183. I spawned (as all Gnomes do) with 50/300 skill in Tinkering at level 1, and I started making Flameless Lanterns (trivial 68). I spent about two hours making the combine repeatedly and didn't get even a single skill up. I was making the combine in "Toolbox" using the Gates of Discord tradeskill UI and "Make All" checked. I've used this same tactic in other containers to raise other tradeskills on other characters on the server without issue.

    I wonder if perhaps is just bugged on the server and no one has noticed. I did a bunch of googling but didn't find any results. Has anybody on Aradune actually raised Tinkering beyond the base 50? If so, was there anything special you had to do, like train with your guildmaster for one point to actually "gain" the skill?

    • When I went to the trainer, the "train" button was grayed out; trainers can only get you to 20 ranks in any tradeskill, but usually the button isn't grayed out, you just get a message when you try to train that says something like "I have taught you all I can! You must learn more in the field."
    • Maybe the GoD UI doesn't work and manual combines need to be made?
    • To my knowledge, all tradeskills are based on whichever is higher between WIS/INT, the only exception being Blacksmithing will use STR if it is higher than both your individual WIS and INT scores; is it possible Tinkering does not abide by this rule and uses a stat that I don't have enough points in?
    • I was under the impression that tradeskills are not restricted by level, and that you can get them all to 300 as a level 1 character, perhaps Tinkering is an exception to this rule and I need to reach level 11 before I can increase past 50 despite the fact that the max skill is listed as 300, even at level 1?
    submitted by /u/EOT_00000100
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    A question about Heroic characters.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    My Heroic character comes from the one time free offer. I did not purchase it using daybreak cash.

    If I delete this free Heroic character, can I create a new free Heroic character? I know the Heroic replacement doesn't get plat, I just want to make sure free Heroics can be replaced before I delete mine Thank you.

    submitted by /u/weezersleezer
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