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    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Everquest The story of the Coldain: a lore video

    Everquest The story of the Coldain: a lore video

    The story of the Coldain: a lore video

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    The story of the Coldain: a lore video

    Coldain lore video

    I mentioned wanting to make a lore video about the origins of the Coldain a few months back. I wrote the script, but never found the time to do the recordings/edits until quarantine helped me find it =P

    Mostly used in-game sources to generate the story, including: the lore books sold in the Thurgadin library, text from NPCs when you converse with them, and the events/text generated from the ring and shawl quests. I did have to take some creative liberty in combining some of the lore (I believe the actual lore says the Coldain established 2-3 cities on Velious before creating Thurgadin) and filling in gaps where they existed. I recorded most of this on a private EQEmu server, with a couple scenes recorded on P99.

    Hope you enjoy, and I would love to make more lore videos so if you have ideas for topics, let me know!


    Hope you enjoy, and I would love to make more lore videos so if you have ideas for topics, let me know!

    submitted by /u/Sage_Freke1
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    Leveling advice

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    First the quick question!

    At 70+ should my group and I keep grinding through hotzones for xp or start to consider some progression grinding for gear (and if so what/where)?

    And then the context...

    My friends and I play ~twice a week and have been very successful getting to 70 via hotzones, defiant drops, and a bit of the bazaar. The vibe I get reading guides online is that content will get progressively harder as we outlevel our defiant gear. What are some suggestions on how we should proceed 70+ and beyond?

    We are thinking of going to Direwind Cliffs next. The Jewel of Atiiki and The Buried Sea both sound fun to me but I had less luck finding good info on them. We've all recently subbed and usually run with one J1 merc.

    submitted by /u/qisqandonlyq
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    Macro Help - mash button not working properly

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Hi everyone - I finally made it up to 114 on my ranger and I'm starting to turn my attention to making sure I'm doing the most dps possible rather than randomly pushing buttons until the mob dies. A little bit of asking guildies and researching led me to the concept of a "mash key." I have set up a hot bar of various spells/AAs/discs I want to cast on cooldown; however, I'm running into two issues.

    The biggest issue is some of my Macros are not firing. For example, my first 4 keys on my mash key bar are:

    1) Dissident Fusillade

    2) Macro 1

    3) Marked Shots

    4) Macro 2

    Where Macro 1 reads exactly as follows:

    /pet swarm

    /disc Jolting Axe Kicks

    /alt act 184 #Guardian of the Forest

    /alt act 3804 #Outrider's Accuracy

    /alt act 683 #Empowered Blades

    and Macro 2 reads exactly as follows:

    /useitem 17

    /alt act 2235 #Imbued Ferocity

    /useitem Aurora, the Heartwood Blade

    /alt act 1109 #Silent Strike

    /alt act 778 #Protection of the Spirit Wolf

    I am realizing that when I'm hitting my key, the Macros will not work for any /disc or /alt act; the weird thing is they work fine if I click the button on the bar, but if I hit the hotkey I've selected, they won't fire. Does anyone know how I fix this?

    The second thing I've ran into is every once in a while my mash key will try to cast the same spell that is on CD and fail to "move on" to the next button on the mash key. Any ideas on how to fix that would also be very appreciated.

    Thanks everyone in advance! Hoping to get this figured out soon.

    submitted by /u/CaedClaxton
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    Trying to make a new Necro need some help!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    So I'm wanting to try out a necro and am wanting to pick up some decent gear I've got a SBS for him and about 500ish pp. Ofc loam crusted is my best bet to twink with but that's abit more expensive are there any good more budget pieces that are good buys as I grind up through to Lguk and the hole?

    Edit: I am on the TLP Aradune btw

    submitted by /u/deaguard
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    is 'Enhanced Reformation' worth AA'ing for while leveling for melee?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    I know many many years ago I would kill for mana regen AA's, but I don't know if this make sense today and for melee endurance.

    submitted by /u/hamandburrito
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    To AA or not to AA

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Ok so f2p atm. At some point I would have to pay for a subscription. But in the mean time is it worth xping for AAs if I plan to pay and get all the free AAs? When you pay for a sub do you get the same amount of AAs even if you already earned some?

    submitted by /u/LewsTherinT
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    Game popularity

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    So never played pc everquest. My childhood was EQOA on ps2. Was recently missing norrath and downloaded EQ2 and it been very medium also scared to invest to much time into it being it's population seems very low. The eq 1 community seems much more active is this the case. And would you say the game is better???

    submitted by /u/Oomeht
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