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    Wednesday, August 26, 2020

    Everquest Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Everquest Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Convince me to download and play

    submitted by /u/whiteeggsonly
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    How was lore consumed in the original Everquest?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Are there lore books out there or was the best way to consume the lore just hailing NPCs? I'm finding a bunch of websites that talk about lore and give a time line but I'm not sure where these guys are getting the Lore. Was there a physical lore book that SoE released or something or are there in game lore books that I can read in the progression server that I'm in (aradune)? I'm seeing a bunch of repositories with lore and it looks pretty good I just would like to know what the source for most of the lore is.

    submitted by /u/gwolfx
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    Recharge puppet strings?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. On p99 you could recharge puppet strings using the vendor trick. This there a way to recharge puppet strings on tlp? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Taylor_rules
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    I have wanted to get into Everquest (Especially P99) for years, but feel I can't...

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    I am a long time FFXI player. A real long time... Between all my characters added up I have over 1,300 days /played and I don't really AFK much in-game. The muscle memory I have built up in that game is insane.

    For those who don't know, FFXI design was based on EQ with its own flair. The reason why I mention this is because it is directly impacting my experience in EQ.

    I just can't get used to EQ. I either compare it to FFXI too much and it just feels super clunky to me in comparison, or I just wish there was a mod that made the UI modernized so it was all a lot easier to take in and understand.

    The targeting hurts me the most. If you aren't targeting something in FFXI or in a modern game, it defaults targets yourself, but in EQ it will just fizzle IIRC. Little things like this I could mention for hours, but its the small things that really hurt me.

    I REALLY want to get into EQ because its the only game like FFXI that can provide me with new experiences, until Pantheon releases, especially so for P99 which is my favorite era of FFXI as well (Old school level 75-cap FFXI is very similar to P99) I have already played FFXI private servers plenty and got my fill, so really looking to branch out into EQ.

    Is there any mods or ways to help me transition? I have tried multiple times. I think I am at like 8 times attempted to get into it, but it just resulting in despair.

    Thank you <3

    tl;dr - Long time FFXI player trying to play EQ, but can't make the transition no matter how many times I try :(

    submitted by /u/Tiktaks
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    Wanting to try live EQ.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I have not played live EQ in a long time, There are somethings I like about it some not. I played P99 for a long time because of the nostalgia factor, but the grind is too much. I have not run in to as much of the nasty community as others seem to have, but I never raided. The TLC servers here are too broken between new and old content. The new zones mixed with the old content is too confusing. I would rather just play live. I know I may be soloing or moloing a lot until certain levels, I guess that is fine, but what server is best for a player just starting out?

    submitted by /u/nirrtix
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    Where to level 93

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I'm a 93 shaman with just my tank merc. I have about 2k AAs but they're pretty hodge podge.

    Any suggestions on where to level? I can power through the mansion but i kind of hate that place. I tried Fear but my tank merc just gets obliterated there and they summon so no root rot.

    Appreciate any advice Maybe i'll shell out and get another account, not sure.

    submitted by /u/dumot
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