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    Thursday, August 27, 2020

    Everquest What is your fondest memory from EQ?

    Everquest What is your fondest memory from EQ?

    What is your fondest memory from EQ?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Newbie Questions- Pet Classes, Grinding, economy, Etc

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Hi, I never played EQ until recently & decided to sub & so far am really liking it, but only just hit 10 with a Dwarf Pally. Started to accumulate some random questions Google & Reddit didn't easily answer.

    Any thoughts on these would be appreciated.

    Also for context I will primarily be Moloing for the bulk of my time since Ill be leveling from 1 on FV. I also subbed, even though I know its not necessarily important until higher level.

    1) How minute to minute xp gain works? Once out of Gloomingdeep when I start grinding, what percentage is mob grinding vs a grind/quest combo like the tutorial was? I know EQ is all about the grind, but is it 75/25 mob grind to questing, ballpark? Or 90% just grinding mobs?

    2) When i gain 5-10 levels and go to a new zone or get into a new Expansions lvl range should I be looking for quests in major cities/hubs anywhere? Or just find an area with Blues & kill mobs 90% of the time?

    3) I love pet classes but couldn't find any nice sites like WoWs Pet-Topia that shows images of Necro, BL, Mage, etc pets? Does anything exist to see who has cool looking pets?

    4) For pet classes- most/all are spells it seems? As you buy new spells does it change the look of the pet? Or does the Vah Shir tiger pet always stay a tiger, and just becomes a higher level tiger?

    5) Merc. I see special Mercs, like when you buy a Collectors Edt for the expansions. How do these work? Do you still have to pay upkeep every 15 minutes on those? Is there any requirement to use them after you claim them? Are they J5 automatically? Can you pick if theyre a Warr vs Healer or is that set because its a soecial Merc? Is there a way or Merc to get that doesn't require an upkeep charge?

    6) what spell screen do I use to check to make sure I am using my highest level spells? Do spell vendors gain new spells to buy when I get to the higher level zones? Or does the vendor at PoK sell all the spells to max level?

    7) should I be saving items to only sell at the bazaar as I level? or just vendor it on average for convenience?

    Thanks for any input.

    submitted by /u/Futureboy152
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    Tutorial Merc questions

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    1) Would there be any reason to not pick the highest rank of the merc type you want?
    2) How long does the tutorial merc last?

    submitted by /u/-Rayko-
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    For Bards: Did /melody destroy our class?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the command and have a million macros, but what stops Sarah_Player_01 from making a free Bard and using the same macros?

    When it comes to crowd control and crisis management, of course a RL Bard is best, but some have learned how to ALT+TAB even that. Melody has made us box whores.

    If you're in an active guild, you will never worry about such matters, but I worry for the young Bards.

    submitted by /u/Earthicus
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    Could someone send me pictures of the Magician pets?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm a journalist doing an article on the history of summonable pets in MMORPGs. I want to discuss the Magician pets from the first EverQuest but I need photos that I have permission to use.

    Would a magician player be willing to photograph their pets and link me the screenshots? (At minimmum the 5 permanent elementals, though I wouldn't say no to some of the temporary pets as well) I'll credit you in the article under the photos you take. Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/aabicus
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    Live character GM surname

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    Long ago (obviously) I was given a surname by a GM. It was right when the European servers opened (Pop era) so it's written in French (le Parasite).

    Can I ask a GM to turn that into 'the Parasite' ? Do they perform this kind of requests? I'd like to keep my one of a kind surname if at all possible.

    submitted by /u/ghighi_ftw
    [link] [comments]

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