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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Everquest Lore Session: The Estate of Unrest

    Everquest Lore Session: The Estate of Unrest

    Lore Session: The Estate of Unrest

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Don't use same bindings on box?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Last night we're doing Nagafen on Aradune. I'm playing my bard main and paladin box. Ordinarily my bard is mostly just stuck around the corner playing resists & mana while I'm controlling the paladin for this fight.

    Due to a mispull naggy aggros and officers call to just rush him and kill him in his lair. This'll be fun!

    So I've got the paladin following the bard and we get to Naggy. I push my assist on the paladin and turn on his attack, and then focus on the bard. I'm playing 2 resists + 2 regens, and hotswapping an instrument at the end of each song so that I can dual wield and still get max effect from the songs (i'm in MT group). I'm also kicking everytime i get dispelled, because it's also my junk buff.

    On the paladin, I'm bashing when i get dispelled, because it triggers my junk buff as well.

    So the bard is pushing A A Z Z, with W mixed in after dispels.

    The paladin, I'm just pushing W on that keyboard after dispels.

    Dispel hit, and on both keyboards I hit W. I notice that the bard didn't get his junk buff (probably my hotswap was still finishing) so I hit WW on both keyboards.

    Disconnected. Both accounts.

    What in the actual fuck?

    This morning I'm sitting in the tunnel and I push W W W on both keyboards at the same time. Disconnected. Both accounts.

    I'm assuming this is some form of automated kick... but seriously?

    I've now set up alternate keys for my junk buff on the box PC, so I don't get booted for legitmately playing on two boxes.

    Fucking stupid.

    submitted by /u/DMJason
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    In your opinion, what's more fun to play long-term (TLP): Warrior or Monk?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    So I'm on Aradune (Kunark) and have really loved both these classes. I duo box them with my shaman or my bard. I have the epics for both. I have been maining warrior and overall I have enjoyed tanking but I think I have quite a bit more fun pulling (even when it's just pulling on the war because we couldn't find a puller).

    What I don't know, since this is my first time really playing EQ, is how these classes change in the future. Tanking on the warrior has been very simple, usually taunting one enemy at a time or just popping fortitude and defensive and spamming jboots (or wingblade on the puller) and bellow on raid targets. I honestly had the most fun with my static when we leveled from 50-60 without an enchanter, as I had to keep aggro on multiple targets sometimes and my defensive disc would save the day.

    I enjoy doing things on my own with my shaman and bard box, and right now (after getting the monk epic and gear like fungi) there's nothing the monk can't handle better than the warrior.

    Can anyone offer any insight on these classes going forward? My main will always be a high attendance raider and raid geared. I seem to use the bard and shaman boxes equally for different things.

    I contemplate main changing to monk because it certainly seems more fun at the moment but I worry that this may be a biased perspective during Kunark where monk is at peak over-tuning and tanking is at its simplest. I'd rather main change and commit earlier before Velious, and especially before AA's come into play.

    Thanks for any input.

    submitted by /u/MuffinFluffer69
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    When to boost heroic

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    So my friend is level 81 right now and I want to play with him. I played way back in the original days to level 70 or something had a lot of aa too. I was a necro but he plays a necro so his group prolly doesn't want 2 necro. So I was thinking about making a bard. Realistically how hard would it be to learn to play a bard. Like what level should I level up to then use an 85 boost. Is that the best way to go about it or is there a better way to learn to play well?

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Ad6735
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    EQ2 / Launchpad keeps closing itself while trying to install

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Me being perhaps the stupid person I am decided to set the EQ2 launchpad to "full download", as id rather just have it all there then have it "pre-load" assets every time or somethin.

    Anyway, the launchpad can't seem to stay open longer then a few minutes while i'm letting everything download. For reference, i am on Win 7, have both my anti-virus (Norton) and its firewall turned off for a few hours, and am running the launchpad as an administrator.

    Any idea why it keeps closing / how I can fix it?

    submitted by /u/fare67t
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