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    Monday, September 14, 2020

    Everquest Class choice for Aradune TLP

    Everquest Class choice for Aradune TLP

    Class choice for Aradune TLP

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about subbing for a bit to see how I like the TLP server aradune. I haven't played this game in so many years it's crazy, but i think I'll get a good kick out of it. I know that I'm going to make a halfling rogue, because nostalgia, but I'm thinking I need a more solo friendly class as an alternate character that will be different from a rogue. I know druid/necro used to be the go to solo classes that are recommended, but I was wondering if there were any wildcards I wouldn't normally think of. Or if I should go ahead and make a druid!


    submitted by /u/GuyLeDoucheTV
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    Mage epic 1.5 - Gnaap Guinders

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Our guild on TLP went into Tactics this weekend for this part of the mage epic. After the script was initiated we followed Gnaap into the next room where he somehow aggroed near Eriak. Our logs don't show us doing anything aggressive, but his first attack was on a bard that was playing only beneficial songs, no AOE slows or anything. Does anyone know what would have caused the aggro? Considering the work that needed to be redone for his turn in I really don't want to see it happen again.

    submitted by /u/BSMike82
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    New char on tunare

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Can you make a new char and boost to 85 on that server? If you subscribe can you got other expansions? My friend plays on that server and in lvl 81

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Ad6735
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    Group make up... last slot to fill

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    I have a group make up of 115 WAR, CLR, ENC, WIZ, DRU and typically the last spot is either a merc or a guildy that is LFG. If i were to fill the last slot, what would you recommend? I am torn between a Mage (COTH OP) and a BL (Unity life buffs).

    submitted by /u/Astteroth
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    Beastlord/Druid trio on TLP

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I'm currently running Druid, Magician, Enchanter on Rizlona and they're turning out pretty fun so far. But my goal is to main a Beastlord with my Druid as backup once Luclin comes around.

    That leaves the third spot up in the air. I do like the Magician but I feel like I would really be lacking pulling/cc. I don't really like charming so I'm kind of shying away from the Enchanter. I know an Enchanter charming is crazy dps, but it just doesn't float my boat.

    That leaves me thinking Bard might be a good compliment. And it could be a box that I can have as a melody bot when I'm lazy, or very involved pulling and cc-ing when things get hairy.

    The Beastlord would probably be raid geared, so tanking should be ok? But would I do better with a Paladin for tanking and pulling? Pally would bring res and even more healing. But lower on DPS and aDPS. I feel like I might end up spending more time gearing the Pally than the Beastlord if I add in the Pally though.

    Circling back to Magician, they're easy fire and forget DPS, and pet toys and off tanking would be great to feed a Beastlord. That would allow me to focus on the Beastlord and Druid.

    OR, should I just dump the third box and focus on the Beastlord and Druid :D They seem like a very competent duo. And 2 is easier to manage with alt+tab than 3.


    TLDR: Which trio for TLP?

    Beastlord/Druid/Magician? Beastlord/Druid/Bard? Beastlord/Druid/Paladin?

    submitted by /u/Kelvack
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    Considering making a character on live, do I really need to box?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    So I have a 26 SK on Aradune and loving it, this is really my first time playing EQ and I've tried both p99 and aradune (like them both for different reasons), I'm considering also making a character on live but the Boxing doesn't really appeal to me. Will I be able to get to cap just using mercs (and possibly joing a guild/make friends along the way)?

    submitted by /u/gwolfx
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    XP at 100

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Question: So I 4 box on live - 100 SK, 93 Wizard, 90 Enchanter, 88 Cleric and typically run a healer merc on my SK.

    What would be the best XP spot for this group? I've been doing Sarith since it's a hot zone, and it seems to be the best so far, but wondering if there is a better spot. Because it's a hot zone, Sarith beats out City of Bronze and Shards Landing for XP per kill. All accounts except the Wizard have all the expansions, all accounts are All Access.


    submitted by /u/plexx88
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    looking Fan Faire 2002 Orlando / 2003 Vegas pictures

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:52 AM PDT

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