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    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Everquest My Love Letter to Everquest from a Returning Player

    Everquest My Love Letter to Everquest from a Returning Player

    My Love Letter to Everquest from a Returning Player

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Before I even start this ... I don't know what to call... I would like to say what kind of person I am when it comes to gaming. For starters, I'm a fan of sandbox MMOs with FULL PvP and for the most part I'm concerned sort of "that guy". Obviously it's not all I like, but you get the idea. My very first MMO besides MUDs was actually Everquest back in 1999 and I remember when I played it..it was pure vanilla. I think the game had just been out maybe like 3 months only and they were trying to balance out spellcasters in the PvP server. From the very first day I learned about Everquest I already knew what server I was going to play in and what class/race.

    I remember how amazing it was to be in the newbie zone and seeing a bunch of people leveling in Nek Forest back in the days and how many people would just randomly talk to you because this was the height of 3D MMORPGs at the time. You would get whispers for answers to your questions on general chat, people trading in EC Tunnels, people offering Spirit of the Wolf and Corpse Run Services and it was something that we all took for granted. After awhile, I did quit because I was a kid in high school and I didn't have a credit card to pay for EQ. So fastforward to 2004 I was back in it. I was surprised that the game was more accessible and around this time I had already played a few other MMOs including Asheron's Call 2, Neocron, WoW, etc. This was when I learned about the Bazaar and the Planes of Knowledge (or whatever that place is that you can teleport anywhere). Honestly, at the time I still dug it.. but shortly afterwards I also quit at the time and I would bounce around other MMOs in the years to come.

    Of course around this time... themepark MMOs were the thing I realized became too hand holding and brain numbing (not to insult any other MMO out there because I still enjoyed a few of them)... but my love turned to games like Mortal Online, DarkFall, etc. PvP-centric MMOs that gave me a whole other level of immersion. The issue with games like DarkFall (RIP sort of) and Mortal Online (small playerbase but Mortal Online 2 is set to change that) is because they're so niche the players make the content but the playerbase tends to change from really low to a little more than low. Also Jankiness makes the games sometimes not desirable. Sometimes a new sandbox MMO doesn't even make it out of pre-alpha or fail faster than expected. But also a lot of the PvE content in these games are dull.

    So of course these are still very much my preferred types of MMOs but I did dabble in other themepark MMOs like FF14 and ESO and while I loved those games... I realized I could turn my brain off and just do this and that and get super bored.

    So the other day me and some friends were playing Star Citizen and took a break and were discussing our MMO history and of course I brought up Everquest and the itch started. So I began looking at videos... and thought maybe I could just play Project 1999 and while I'm nostalgic I couldn't get past the old models...so I said fuck that... I went in to Free to Play Live EQ and while it's cool and thought maybe I have no problem playing it... I felt like I was way behind.. So I finally decided to bust out the $15 and join Aradune.

    I started my character in Neriak and that's when my epiphany set in. I fucking love this game. I relived 16 year old me again. The music and the newbie and actually seeing people there leveling with me. People answering my questions via whisper and some people just plain out helping me when a mob was close to killing and then asking me if I'm new only to learn that other people there were also from the old school 1999 days. It brought a smile to my face. I don't know if I'll ever truly group up for raids because I can never promise that type of commitment to time and day of raids but right now I'm having such a great time. Even if I'm playing it just to experience the world... I remembered why Everquest was so amazing. It may be a themepark MMO and not the type of MMO I usually gravitate too but this one is different and special. I can't wait to experience it more and can't wait also for its spirit-successor, Pantheon Rise of the Fallen. I really wish more companies would take note of Everquest because it's been awhile since I've been properly engaged in an MMO like this.

    Thank you to those that helped me choose the right server a few days ago as well. I love this game and I love this community.

    submitted by /u/mahkahdamian
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    The Punting Gnome

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been discussed, but my Wife found an Easter Egg with The Punting Gnome:



    • And here is the Big Balls lyrics (3rd verse) by AC/DC:

      • "Some balls are held for charity, and some for fancy dress, But when they're held for pleasure, they're the balls that I like best.."
    submitted by /u/Sparxx_Interface
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    TLP bag progession.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hi all, So I'm playing on aradune and I'm a lvl 13 Necro. I want to be as self sufficient as possible. I am working on tailoring bags for my chr's. I have a bunch of tailored bags, (still not enough) and working on medicine bags as well. But I can't find any guide on what bags to make in order of smallest/no weight reduc. to biggest/100% All I can find are lists of all bags tailored and non, and all tailored items. So if any one has a link/list it would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/JustThorn
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    Enhanced Minion question

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    First, I'm in a small, almost defunct, guild so I have no help. My Necro just reached lvl 100 and I have been looking on Zam for an EM item but they all seem to be drops from raid event chests. Are there any that are groupable? I have a Pally and Rogue both at 100 that I could box with but haven't had them out for some years so a bit rusty on them. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/atlas_nodded_off
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