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    Thursday, October 29, 2020

    Everquest 2cp on graphics cards and remembering the good old eq times

    Everquest 2cp on graphics cards and remembering the good old eq times

    2cp on graphics cards and remembering the good old eq times

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I have been using an r9 370 for ages now and I do not play many demanding new titles. But I've been itching for a while now to buy a new graphics card and pondering my options made me think back to the good old days when I played EQ so I dropped by to say hi :)

    I think I started out in 99 with a cyrix 166 and a matrox mystique (or was it a voodoo banshee? cant remember). Starting in faydwer and then moving on to the deserts of ro was just amazing and I met some fun people along the way. One of them, a halfelf bard was playing on a rather old computer so he was basically forced to use the top-down camera. When people started to yell warnings about an SG pathing into the exp camps and people scattered in a panic he would promptly run off into the wrong direction. Right into the SG. it was glorious.

    I also remember how, after a long break, I came back and explored kunark. amazing! pulling for ridge groups on my ranger with clip plane all the way down so visibility was like 3 meters and not coming back with 10 adds wasnt always easy. Later, after I upgraded to whatever it was (sapphire 9600 I think) I remember going back and standing on the dreadlands ridge for an hour amazed about what the zone really looked like and wondering how I ever pulled there with clip plane at 0.

    Years later, I came back in Oow and tried light multiboxing for the first time but whenever I loaded up more than 3 toons, the third instance would have textures missing (I think some characters would simply have white "holes"), because I was lacking ..idk..vram?

    those were the days when hardware upgrades still made sense to me... with my 370 I am still able to play most games I want to with okish performance but it started to crash more frequently as of late and may be dying sooner than later. To buy a great upgrade I'll have to fork over a small fortune for comparably smaller changes (unless I drop another fortune on VR + HOTAS for star wars squadrons, which I really would like but cannot justify because it is just one game and it is supposed to not get any more content either to boot). I think I had to shell out the equivalent of 500USD for the 370 and it was already kinda painful. seeing the 3070/3080 6080/6080xt prices (prolly ~800/1000 here) makes me cringe big time. It makes me want to sit out another generation of gpus again. but then maybe the price of mid range cards will have gone up another 200 USD and +150watts! When I first saw the msrp and perf of the 3070 I thought to myself "hey, what a great deal!" until I realized it means spending 800ish bucks on performance from 2 years ago... I dont know about other people but the price creep sure seems crazy. to drop that kind of money to be in the "ok I got a new shiny card but I still have to fiddle around with settings" and not have the peace of mind that you can just get a game, set it all to max is kinda crazy.

    anyways.. hope you EQ guys are still having a blast. I'll keep lurking in the shadows waiting for a EQ1 remake (hopefully with hardware that would run it and a rich wife or a lotto win so I have the time to play). nothing else came even remotely close!

    submitted by /u/dububallz
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    Anybody want to help a new player? (Bertoxxulous-Saryn)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Looking for gear/plat for my SK. Its my first time playing live (only ever play classic/progression). The economy is crazy and I cant afford anything (. My name is Shadpole, on the Bert-Saryn server. Any help is great appreciate and i will give you gold/karma!

    submitted by /u/PascoeDestructo
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    Mobile-friendly resources?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    I've just downloaded and ran through the tutorial yesterday on Live. I played on EQ from around POP through to Serpent Spine era.

    I remember my go-to online resource was Allakhazam. Is this still the go-to place or are there others now? Is there a mobile-friendly version of this site? The layout and adverts are awful for iPhone!

    submitted by /u/Colester29
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    Mage or Beastlord for group powerlevelling?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    TL;DR: How close is the Beastlord pet to a Mage pet in DPS and defense?

    I've recently changed servers and I'm looking to level up a class to eventually powerlevel my boxes. This will just be for group powerlevelling as the box toons get within range of the main toon. I mained a Mage on my old server; it was a lot of fun running the boxes through content when they reached 85. My pet could effortlessly roll through anything.

    Of course, light blues can be slaughtered by almost any class, but sometimes I ventured into more dangerous territory. I realize the Beastlord pet is not quite as powerful as a Mage pet; are they at least close? I have been playing a BL and she's up to 95 and a hell of a lot of fun. Will the BL pet be able to handle mob(s) without me contributing physical damage? I'd like to sit back and mostly cast while keeping an eye on the box.

    Thanks for any insight!

    submitted by /u/Earthicus
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