• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 7, 2020

    Everquest First plunge into ToV later today.

    Everquest First plunge into ToV later today.

    First plunge into ToV later today.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 08:03 AM PST

    So I pre-ordered CoV which means ToV should be open to me. I have a handful of 110 toons across 2 accounts. I'm going to take the plunge later today.

    I keep hearing about people getting task adds, getting a lot of experience and leveling up. Well, looks like I need to figure out clearly and concisely what all is involved since I'll be doing the tasks instead of just getting the taskadds. Anyone able to provide some guidance on a clear path here?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/beerfurious
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    Haste questions

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    A haste item and haste spell from an enc or shm easily gets to 200% but then caps. I remember bard songs stack but can they take you over 200?

    If you can break 200 are their items that let you do this? I'd appreciate any recommendations

    submitted by /u/ergoergoergoergo
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    Best exp lowbie quest?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:14 AM PST

    Is it red wine or rat ears? I've heard of people getting to level 15 on those, how much would that take?

    submitted by /u/tzeriel
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    Posts going missing?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 01:08 AM PST

    Anyone else notice posts going missing from the sub over the last week? There was a post about quests still worth doing between levels1-85 that people had posted good info in and provided a link to this site https://www.paullynch.org/eqguide/guides/quests/ but I can't find it now.

    There was also another post not directly related to armor upgrades but someone had posted a reply with a formatted table ranking the gear sets from defiant up until EoK or beyond. Can't find either of these now and when I go looking seems like a lot of posts from the past couple of weeks are gone?

    Do they get culled if they don't reach a certain number of upvotes or something?

    submitted by /u/tails142
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