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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Everquest Trigger songs.

    Everquest Trigger songs.

    Trigger songs.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:18 AM PST

    Whenever I hear certain songs they trigger EQ memories. Love it. Like thinking about that teenage love. I'll spare you the songs cause I'd hate to be made fun of, but a frequent returnee is my troll shm lvl 42 camping spectres in feerrott. Snoking weed and listening to song x... played til 2010 but mostly get flashbacks from 1999-2003. Shrug, random share.

    submitted by /u/umpfke
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    Group makeup

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:38 AM PST

    I run a group made up of a warrior, shaman, cleric and ranger. Right now they are in the low 80's and I run through the gribble HA's with a mercenary warrior and wizard but I am thinking about replacing them with 2 more boxed toons. Based on the previous posts on the same topic I am thinking of rolling with a monk and enchanter to add some CC and to help with pulling (ranger has been doing fine in outdoor zones). I am worried about having to many melee DPS (don't want to dump the Ranger as it was my main 20 or so years ago and you know, nostalgia) and overall having enough group DPS to get through the higher level grinds. Before I commit the time to leveling toons, I just wanted to get some input from people that know a lot more about the mechanics of this game, so on that note...do you think this group will be gtg? I am open to suggestions...except one.

    submitted by /u/bootdevicenotfound
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