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    Everquest Phinny Two Man - Aradune Server Velious Era

    Everquest Phinny Two Man - Aradune Server Velious Era

    Phinny Two Man - Aradune Server Velious Era

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:33 PM PST

    From the Pages of the Journal Immortalis

    Weary from the Coldain Prayer Shawl Crusades and the Great Ring War's of Velious the Immortalis brothers returned to their home away from home - the busy market city of Freeport. Though more lively then any other city in all of Norrath it was obvious the streets were more quiet then they had been. Between the new adventures who had left for the continents of Kunark and Velious to seek their fame and those who had left long ago never to return, the cities population was noticeably diminished. Not that this troubled the brother's they had come looking for a break from the constant adventuring and dragon slaying, a little bit of rest and relaxation. A quiet night out in Freeport was just what they needed.

    Thus they came to an old haunt from their youth, Tassel's Tavern. Moments into their third (or maybe fifth - who's counting) tankard of Ale an elven fisherman caught the brothers' attention. He was bemoaning the poor yield of Fish to sell to the market traders on the return of the evil Kedge Conjurer Phinigel Autropos.

    "In times past there were dozens of groups of mercenaries and adventurers to keep the Genocidary Fish at bay, but now..." The fisherman bemoans before trailing off.

    "We will slay the beast!" A perhaps intoxicated Philladar Immortalis shouted up from the back of the tavern.

    "You will?" The Fisherman asked incredulously.

    "Yeah," Tomias looked up to his now standing brother, "We will?"

    "Yes we will," Philladar responds to the Fisherman first before turning to his brother, "Come on it'll be fun!"

    "Ehhhh... Why Not," Tomias downs his tankard of ale, "Yes we will!"

    "Excellent," The fisherman beams, "Where is the rest of your party?"

    "This IS our party," Philladar refers to himself and his brother and the tavern erupts in laughter.

    The Immortalis Brothers look at one another and wait for the laughter to subside.

    "No but really where is the rest of your party, I mean you will need a healer at leas..." The fisherman starts.

    "Barkeep!" Philladar shouts cutting the fisherman off mid sentence "Prepare a bottle of your finest spirits, we will return within the hour."

    With that the brother's left for the docks and set sail for Butcherblock Mountains and a date with destiny...

    Cheeve Hunters Inc. - Two Man Phinny (Aradune Server) - YouTube

    submitted by /u/llcooltom
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