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    Everquest Aradune

    Everquest Aradune


    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:55 PM PST

    Hello everyone, sorry if this has been asked. I really miss playing a d thought a out starting up on Aradune. Is it worth it. By that I mean, if I start fresh is grouping easy to come by or will I struggle to find groups? Are guilds still recruiting for raids at this point? Are any classes currently in demand. Once again thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/awojinx
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    Help decided on class reroll for Aradune.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:13 PM PST

    Going to try and provide a lot of info on this so it's easier to help diagnose. Currently I am playing an SK, and I am not a fan.

    I'm pretty casual, maybe login a couple hours every other night, mostly just raids on weekends. I'm in a casual guild so that's no big deal. But, I definitely can't play a class that requires a lot of gear from questing or requires a ton of AA's to be effective.

    In addition to that, I kind of like either a VERY hectic and intense type of class, where I am having to juggle a lot of things at once and it forces me to pay attention, or I want a class that I can hit a button every pull or so and it's no big deal.

    Currently with my SK, I am the main tank of the group, which means I gotta pay just enough attention to swap targets during a pull, and spam my aggro spell to keep aggro, but other than that I'm half afk, which is annoying because I can neither be fully engaged nor half afk.

    In raids, I don't really gotta do anything and it makes no difference. We have quite a few off tanks already and I'm not needed to kite or ramp tank. I'm basically just a crap melee dps with no buffs lol.

    I have been assured a bazillion times that in a couple of expansions, currently we just started luclin, that my role will be much more involved, but I am not exactly looking forward to the idea of being a kiter or a bad tank, as I pretty much go down hard on anything without getting spam healed.

    Logically, that lead me to think Enchanter / Bard / Cleric / Druid / Shaman / Mage / Necro / Wizard / Ranger would be more ideal for me.

    I de-selected Cleric because I can't stand the Cheal cycles, although I was told in GoD > that stops and it's more reactive. So, Cleric is still on the table but we're almost a year away from that, so probably not.

    I played a Chanter on test about 10 years ago, and during PoP I found it was really annoying that my DPS was bad compared to DPS classes on raids, and that I basically became a buff bot as shaman slow was better, plus on a lot of encounters pets weren't allowed... So, I deselected chanter.

    For the same reason as Chanter, I got rid of Bard because the dps is really sad, there's no real ccing etc on raids, and even in groups you're really limited on charm / mezing.

    Druid / Shaman - I rolled a shaman box to help my SK, and I also had one on the VOX server when it released for my Monk, I found the class was basically just a buff bot and decent group healer but not very engaging / if I'm gonna be half afk I'd rather at least be a dps.

    So, that leaves Ranger / Mage / Necro / Wizard. I dropped Rogue because if I'm gonna be an afk dps I would rather be ranged.

    Okay, so when Combine / Sleeper released, I rolled a wizard. I made it to Velious NTOV before I rage quit. Belly casting SUCKSSSSSS. Aside from that, wizard was the perfect class for me. Occasionally stand up, dump my mana bar, flex the meter and go back to playing something else in the background etc.

    This is the type of class I'd like to play, but when it came to raids I just couldn't stand it. That being said, I have been told belly casting isn't much of a thing past PoP...

    I thought maybe to avoid the whole belly casting thing I could just do mage and let my pet do most of my dps, so I'm really leaning towards mage, but if rangers can be ranged that may be really cool too.

    A class that would be able to solo grind AA's would be amazing also, cause there are a lot of scenarios where I got like an hour early in the morning or just 30 mins here and there were I don't have time to group.

    From the available list, and if you can make a great argument for the others, which would you suggest?

    I'm leaning towards Ranger / Mage, but if belly casting stops being a thing, wizard would be cool too. Necro seems like it would be interesting, but we have a lot of necros. Either way, thanks if you read all this, please advise. :)

    submitted by /u/emosoundlogic
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    Quick questions about trying the game again.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:36 PM PST

    Hello, been bored lately and want to check Norrath again. Haven't played since 03, but I didn't play a lot back then. Strangely, I had one SOE account for EQ (silver now) and a different one for EQ2 (silver benefits should be grandfathered in for that one but I haven't checked). Well, I have tried p99 a few times but, yeah, not going to do that.

    I uhh just want things to be easy I guess, and I'm just looking to solo/be anti-social/avoidant lol. So I'll probably at least box with those two. But I'd never go for All Access for more than one account (at least at a time). What would be a good way about doing that? My EQ silver account right now has a Shaman and the other a Warrior -- after looking around it sounds like it's a really good idea for boxers to have at least their tank go All Access. No real draw back to letting my old silver account stay that status for a while then, until I figure out AAs? And if I think about trying more characters I would want to, at some point, stagger some subs for their respective AAs? Right now, still getting used to things in Gloomingdeep so I can change things up, lol.

    Any ideas on when a new Progression server would be released? They sound interesting but seems like Luclin is soon or just released on Aradune, so I think I'd rather just wait to see if a new one shows up.

    Lastly does anyone have any input on Erollisi Marr - Nameless server? My old one was Morell Thule so I am naturally drawn here (no character from way back when, just an attraction). I'd prefer something low key but hopefully not dead. FV sounds a little too interesting and based on other games I don't like top heavy high population.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/LifePortrait
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    Class for a first time player looking to solo/molo

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 11:57 PM PST

    Hi all, I never played everquest, I'm looking to very casually level a character on FV server. I'm looking for a class that is NOT gear dependent when leveling, that can solo or at the very least molo without too much down time. Thanks for any advice

    Edit : thanks everyone for your answers, it willbe a mage or a necro :)

    submitted by /u/JeanPaulVandamme
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