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    Friday, March 12, 2021

    Everquest Creating an Everquest homebrew 5E D&D game. Some pics of a few locations.

    Everquest Creating an Everquest homebrew 5E D&D game. Some pics of a few locations.

    Creating an Everquest homebrew 5E D&D game. Some pics of a few locations.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Bringing the EQ universe into my 5E D&D campaign. Still working on the overall plot for the game that will take the group through the holy trilogy to finally face the sleeper. They will start off in Qeynos with some small quests to get them a few levels and then need to journey to Freeport.

    I've been playing with Inkarnate and Flowscape for the maps and handouts. Combat battlemaps will most likely be traditional top down.

    Qeynos hills

    Guard Tower

    Small village in the hills

    Pond in the hills

    Black Burrow entrance

    This has become a much bigger project than what I first thought. I will be using magic items from the video game and altering them a bit for D&D but each item will have a name and be unique.

    submitted by /u/mail4youtoo
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    Returning after many years - choosing a class

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:48 AM PST


    Looking to see about returning! Probably to Live, as i am too casual for TLP as i would just keep falling behind i think.

    I used to main a mage for many years. But not sure how classes have changed much over the years!

    Would like a class that is interesting, which is vague, probably dps/support, and that would be welcome as a casual in pickup or guild groups for dungeons. I am not much concerned about raiding, but don't want to be perennially way underpowered. 😃

    Was thinking shaman, monk, beastlord, or necro. Unless there is a better option that i am missing!


    submitted by /u/Ok_Bar_6403
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    New TLP Player on Rizlona Looking for Help

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 08:00 PM PST

    Returning player here; first time trying out a TLP server. I wanted to get back into the game but felt overwhelmed picking up my 112 box setup on Live and thought Rizlona would be a great opportunity to experience classic content for that nostalgia factor.

    I am planning to run a 3 box Druid/Enc/Mag (or possibly 4 box and add bard or monk?). I am looking for an active guild and anyone that would be willing to help a newbie get started.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Enchanter: Isley

    submitted by /u/Daalyn
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    [Live servers] Leveling speed fell off a cliff - Am I playing wrong?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 01:55 AM PST

    First, I should mention that I'm well aware that EQ isn't like other MMOs where you can go from 1 to max level in a day - I suffered my way to 60 back in 2000. I'm just wondering if the problem I'm having now is with my playstyle, my gear, my choice of zones, or a combination of everything.

    I'm two boxing (51 Shadow Knight and 52 Druid). The SK (Silver tier account) is using a T5 Apprentice Healer merc and the Druid (F2P tier account) is using a T2 Apprentice Caster DPS merc.

    I've done all of the achievements in the 'Hero's Journey - Progression' area, collecting all of the gear (including the nice 2h sword on my SK), so lack of stats or gear shouldn't be the problem with my speed. Also, both characters have mounts, so they should be meditating during combat.

    Here are the main problems I run into:

    • My druid's T2 caster merc runs out of mana very quickly and takes a long time to med, leading to the pulls where it's out of mana being extra slow

    • My SK's DPS sucks and his mana usage sucks even more. Almost every pull, I throw up 2-3 dots and auto-attack. They're short dots, though, so I'm often casting them multiple times per pull, resulting in the need to med every ~5 minutes or so

    • My druid is mostly idle, but I do throw up the highest DoT she has. If a mob has a decent health pool, I'll also spam the highest DD spell

    So I guess my questions would be:

    • Should I change up my mercs? Maybe 2 melee DPS mercs and heal with my druid, maybe T2 healer merc and T5 caster DPS, maybe some other combination?

    • Should I stop wasting mana on SK dots or maybe only cast them once per pull? Maybe it's more mana efficient to spam Lifetap spells? I honestly don't know

    • How important is damage shield (especially at low levels)? I don't usually keep it up on myself because it only does about 17 damage per activation

    • Should I ditch 2 box leveling in favor of leveling both characters individually (in groups)? Then bring them together for boxing when they're higher level.

    Anyway, if you took the time to read my terrible newbie post, I appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/Froyo3652
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    Trades killing (thank you auto correct)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 03:06 PM PST

    Hey my peeps,

    I have been reading up on trade skills for countless hours. So many googles, so much info to take in and filter. I finally think I had a viable plan and I run to the bazaar...and there's practically zip for mats available over the past few weeks (I'm on Cornaiv). Even if I bought 100pct of the wildly overpriced pelts, I'd still need another 1700 combines to even have a shot at finishing smithing or tailoring.

    So...I also recently had a bad accident and I need something to fill my time between surgeries and PT. I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind sharing a very generic farming strat. Is it even worth trying to farm server wide drops like pelts...or should I just go back to getting more guaranteed-ish drops from old world critters (Wu's, acrylia, velious, etc). I was really hoping not to have to ever farm owlbears and sonic wolves again...

    I have an enc / mage / necro with j5 mercs to farm with.

    Seeds of Destruction era on Cornaiv (so no craftsman pots).

    Thanks for any tips.

    submitted by /u/rayeellis3
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    Looking for a tlp server

    Posted: 12 Mar 2021 02:04 PM PST

    I am planning on buying the subscription in a few hours. I've been playing on the eu f2p server(im American) finding groups have been a little difficult or people aren't down to grind out mob packs.


    What I'm looking for is that classic feel of toons of all levels around and active chats and possibly more US guild/groups.

    submitted by /u/icannotdrive55
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