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    Monday, March 29, 2021

    Everquest Raid Leaders be like:

    Everquest Raid Leaders be like:

    Raid Leaders be like:

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Return to EverQuest: Interview with Mike Shea (aka Sly Flourish for D&D fans) about the early days of classic EverQuest, the community, and how the game developed over time.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    How were players able to cheat Vet AA on Aradune?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Wanting to jump into EQ and make some friends!

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:45 PM PDT

    Like the title says. I haven't played really since I was a kid, but P1999 just doesn't hook me.

    I'm looking to play casually, hopefully make some friends, and enjoy Norrath at a nice, leisurely pace while also seeing what all's been done with the game over the past 22 years.

    I'm not really interested in multi-boxing or anything like that.

    submitted by /u/mythus54
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    Is there a slow progression server?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Like to start in classic and then a year later it goes to kunark and each expansion takes a year? I was gonna try Aradune but doing expansions in 3 months seems more aimed at hardcore players.

    submitted by /u/superdachshund
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    I'm worldbuilding EverQuest for my D&D campaign next year and am looking for more lore resources.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    So I have started world building Norrath right up to the start of Planes of Power. You can see my world here, but so far I have only done the pantheon and a rough timeline of the ages.

    I'm going to be spending the next 8 or so months compiling all of the lore I can find from EQ on to this site, and then adapting it to fit a D&D 5e game. Luckily they are so close that most of it can just be dropped right in.

    I have all of the EverQuest Roleplaying Game (their TTRPG) books and used that for a starting point. I have also used a number of other resources, but lore is hard to find and often very inconsistent even from official sources. So, I've taken some liberties to make things fit canonically and match the established timelines of the game.

    Whenever I search for lore, a lot of them link to the old Sony Station websites which no longer work due to the switch to daybreak. So, I'm hoping you guys might have some good sites for EverQuest lore.

    Here's a list of sites I've found/used:

    • Giantbomb - actually has some pretty good descriptions of the gods and some other major points, but most of it is just copied from the TTRPG books.
    • https://loreofnorrath.wordpress.com/ - a good site that copies in and organizes a lot of the in game lore. A lot of handmade lore based on compiling the stuff from official sources too.
    • Allakhazam - an obvious spot for some decent blurbs about the lore.
    • Elite Gamer's Lounge - a site that looks as old as the game itself, but has some really good resources depending on how specific you want to get.
    • Lore of Norrath - this woman took all of the in game lore through Gates of Discord and compiled it into an actual timeline with dates that could be found. She also points out a lot of the inconsistencies the developers had.
    • EverQuest Lore Wiki - a small, old, abandoned wiki for a lot of the original game's lore.

    Anyways, I'm always looking for more lore sites and any feedback any of you guys might have!

    submitted by /u/StartingFresh2020
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    Network Issue? Partial Disconnect

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    I've been dealing with the most confusing and frustrating issue. I'll try my best to explain.

    Periodically, sometimes once per day, sometimes several times per hour, my EQ client will seem to lose connection to part of the game. I say part because I can move my character, I can see players move, but I cannot cast spells. NPCs do not move (if they were stationary) or they run off in a direction if they were moving. HP percentages do not update. I will not go linkdead, and I have to /q out or force quit the game. Upon logging back in, I get the "do you want to kick active character" which I select yes, and that request times out. I can then log in normally.

    I'm true boxing, and this will only ever happen to one machine at a time, but has happened on both of them separately.

    Additionally, when relaunching the game, the launcher will at times fail to connect with 503-4 error.

    I'm usually in discord and there's never any other network interruption.

    I have never had this issue in the past. I'm using a CAX80 modem/router, maybe someone else has run into this or has some idea as to what might be happening?


    submitted by /u/harpwn12
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    Vox / Naggy soloable at 52?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    Just got my bard to 52 and I'm interested in getting the epic 1.0, which requires drops from Vox and Naggy (I know the drops can be obtained from other dragons).

    If I go in with the best defiant gear I can buy and get full mass group buffs in PoK, can I solo the dragons? Which merc should I bring? Bard specific question: which songs should I twist for them?

    If this is possible, I'd love any other advice you folks may have - thank you!

    submitted by /u/Froyo3652
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