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    Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    Everquest 12 Days of Mischief

    Everquest 12 Days of Mischief

    12 Days of Mischief

    Posted: 12 May 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    Healer or tank merc for leveling?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    I have access to one journeyman merc. Should I use the tank or healer? Its a shaman/zerk/warrior/bard group?

    submitted by /u/SteeftheChief
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    TLP: Looking for some reliable comparison info about Monk vs SK in Classic/Kunark/Velious eras

    Posted: 12 May 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    Intro: My group played on Mangler for the first few xpacs, and we did ENC charming + casters.

    For Mischief, we're looking at taking a more "random afk friendly" route now that we know the leveling rates from our Mangler time.

    We've settled on ENC + DRU, and are trying to decide on a third spot for melee, between Monk or SK.

    We're not aiming to do much other than level up and perhaps hit a few dungeons along the way. We're likely to have weak/cheap gear. "Chill out and chat group" style =D.

    I have seen a lot of posts about Monk being the highest DPS melee on TLPs.. but what I can't find is "by how much", particularly "by how much in group play, rather than raid parses with BIS gear"

    Is a Monk 20% more damage than an equivalently group geared SK, or is it more like 400% more damage and so on.

    Any info/links would be helpful, thanks.

    EDIT: About our intended playstyle: the Melee would be my active character, the Druid would be my partners active character. The enchanter will be boxed on my old laptop, mostly for buffs for the other two characters and slows if needed.

    I'm well aware charming is the most efficient/bestest thing eva, but I've been there, done that and it just doesn't fit in with real life commitments.

    We just want to find a spot with mobs to pull 1-3 at a time, and kill them with the melee/druid dots/enc dots whatever, at a steady pace. We've got 5 months to reach level 60, there's no rush (for us). But at the same time, if monk DPS will improve things significantly over the SK as far as this situation goes, we will go that way.

    submitted by /u/Faydark_AU
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    TLP - Casual Raids?

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    Can someone "casual" give me their experience with occasional raiding on TLPs? I've always been curious about Plane of Sky, and who doesn't want to go dragon-slaying in an MMO? Ultimately I'm hoping there's a pathway to seeing these zones when they are current-era, and crossing them off my "bucket list" (not interested in winning loot - more just seeing the sights).

    My main questions:
    1) With instanced zones, it sounds like guilds can set predetermined raid times right? (No batphone)
    2) What is a realistic time commitment for raiding? Is Lady Vox more of a 1 hour commitment or 4? What about Plane of Sky? I tend to have an 8pm-11pm window most nights.

    And a final more general question: what is a good class for sightseeing these raids? I guess what I'm looking for is probably a low gear requirement class that is helpful enough to be taken, but not so essential that me missing a raid or having to duck out early (due to real life) would cause problems.

    I'm assuming no warrior/cleric, but maybe yes rogue/wizard? Would love to hear your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Khuprus
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    Mischief/Thornblade to launch simultaneously - Official release

    Posted: 12 May 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    Enchanter + Druid or Cleric NOT boxing

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Im playing an Enchanter and my wife was playing a Cleric but is now debating a Druid.

    We had done our research and time after time the magic pair was Ench + Cleric. Looking closer we began to notice that this seemed to rotate around the pair as a box team. Is cleric still the ideal class to couple with an Ench for a 2 player duo? Would another class fit better because it had an active player at the controls?

    Additionally, a question was raised about the lack of snare if we wanted to dungeon crawl. Would using a Druid be a significant reduction in the potential capabilities just to keep snare available?

    In contrast we've seen that the absence of a Cleric is less likely to attract additional players (rez was sited as the reason) if we wanted to fill out a full group.

    Finally, how does the Cleric vs the Druid fair long term through expansions?


    submitted by /u/Caibek
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    Rk.ll spells questions. Fv server New player 92 nec (started as heroic(85))

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    FV server. Started as a newb. heroic 85 nec. Im now 92(learned alot along way and still lot to learn) I got all rk.ll spells 85-90) from Feerrott,The dream with the quests for dream fragments. Where and what level range 91-? Do I find next rk.ll spells?

    submitted by /u/scyohe
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    New TLP returning player

    Posted: 12 May 2021 10:10 AM PDT

    Returning player and I plan on playing just one account. Playing multiple PCs is not realistic for me due to wife Argo and other issues. There are probably ways to run it all in VMs but for now its just 1 PC totally by the rules.

    As a general strategy I need advice. My time will be somewhat limited, I doubt I will hit 50 before kunark launch.

    1) start with a necro to farm gear. Change to a monk with kunark launch. This is my main plan.

    2) just play a monk and worry about gear later. Maybe race change with kunark launch.

    Is option 2 possible without a gear farm class?


    submitted by /u/deadlyplacebo
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    Questions about TLP

    Posted: 12 May 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Hey, played EQ a long time ago, and some p99 few years back for the classic experience. Thinking of giving this new TLP a go.

    Had some questions I couldn't find an answer to.

    Are there race/class xp penalties? I was thinking of making a duo box SK/Shaman Trolls.

    Is there a way to cycle through mobs? I hit tab and it just clicks on me again.

    submitted by /u/TekayTeekz
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    Server for SK/Sham 2-box

    Posted: 12 May 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    Hi all. Long time EQ lover but having difficulty finding a home. I only have time to play occasionally so I'm going to SK/Sham two box. I don't have the skill to box any more toons.

    I'm looking for a any server (inc emulated) I can progress through just on my own. I loved EQ most up until GoD and wouldn't want to go further particularly. I want to go for classic/actual EQ content but open to some custom content.

    So I'm looking for a server if anyone can advise. Somewhere I can two-box most things in a classic EQ setting.


    submitted by /u/ma-oregano
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