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    Monday, May 3, 2021

    Everquest Found the guy multi boxing his own raids

    Everquest Found the guy multi boxing his own raids

    Found the guy multi boxing his own raids

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    A Stupider Idjit's Guide to Bard Clickies

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:10 AM PDT

    Bards are complicated, man. I have to adjust my songs for literally every new group or zone. My AA macros are just lol. But my clickies... I swear, clickies aren't just fun, but for bards, they're GAME-CHANGING and therefore NECESSARY in my opinion. I don't even remember what it was like to pull without them (if you're 70+ and not pulling, you're garbage). So let's get to the list.

    • The Lady's Entreaty (100) It's a tash clicky. I use it 194% of the time. It makes splitting tough mobs so much easier if you can mezz them first. Drops from The Dark Lady in Plane of Shadow. It's a real tough molo camp at even 100+ for a bard. (I think there's another tash clicky from earlier expansions, I just don't feel like looking.)
    • Horn of Shadows (60) This bad boy is a 35%ish slow. Now you're dropping mobs off to your group not only tashed, but slowed too. And slowed again with your Requiem of Time. Drops from Thall Xundraux Diabo in Vex Thal.
    • Blade of Vesagran (70) Epic 2.0. Seems like a no-brainer, but this thing never gets old. Level 114, still clicking it every 3 minutes. Attack buff that I'm pretty sure stacks with everything.
    • Breath of Harmony (50) / Darkened Breath of Harmony (105) Drops of blood of chottal in Old Seb/HH Old Seb respectively. Instaclick bard defense buff. I think mine's tied to a kick macro or something.
    • Rapier of Somber Notes (65) Another clicky group buff. I may have just bought it on FV.
    • Darkened Sebilite Scale Neckguard (105) While you're in HH Seb getting the Breath of Harmony, grab this extra group defense aura.
    • Flute of the Siren (100) There are multiple (lower level) versions of this if I remember right. This is from ToV. Did some upgrading awhile back.
    • Ring of the Ancients (PoK/80) Any shrink clicky really because you're a bard and have big dopey illusions of course.
    • Drunkard's Stein Anniversary task that involves brewing and drinking. Unlimited PoK port. Duh.

    There are a bunch of level 90+ instruments I won't list because you'll likely get them, use them, then upgrade them (Mistmoore HH drums). Some clickies have a cast time that interrupts your songs (at least we can still move, nerds) so they aren't worth macroing. Some are just super situational and overhyped (looking at you, Hogresh Elder Beads). Lemme know if I missed anything vital, because shit, I'll go get it.

    submitted by /u/StupiderIdjit
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    Video Stutter & Crashes after Driver update

    Posted: 03 May 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Hey folks - Just came back after a few months and now I'm having issues with the game running.

    Game ran fine when I decided to stop playing in January. Uninstalled the game, etc.. etc.. A few days ago, I updated my driver (Radeon 21.4.1) and then decided to reinstall EQ. Now, I'm getting horrible video stutter and crashes to desktop.

    Anyone else run into this after 21.4.1?

    submitted by /u/menchet
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    Puller exp-radius in PoP (Aradune)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    With the rollout of PoP on Aradune, I ended up doing a lot of pulling in groups on my druid this past weekend. At least in BoT and PoV, I noticed I was getting cut out of exp from kills even with the puller tag, within ranges that seemed rather modest by the standards of my bit of pulling in Luclin zones recently.

    My first thought is with these zones is that there's a lot of variation in the Z-axis with levels (south end of BoT) and weird hilly/craters at the walls of PoV I spent a lot of time pulling - could this change in z-axis be a big factor in receiving exp? Or is this just a known thing particular to certain zones? Ended up having to do a lot of little stalls and less-than-ideal round-ups to avoid losing exp, more than I can remember having to do in, say, GE or Velks.

    submitted by /u/BlackstoneValleyDM
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