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    Tuesday, May 4, 2021

    Everquest I might be an old person.

    Everquest I might be an old person.

    I might be an old person.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    CNC carved logo

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Need help designing Everquest OC for Mother's Day

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    My mom used to play EQ in the very early 2000s and I know it means a lot to her. My main hobby is designing OCs, so I was hoping to make one for her based on her original EQ character, Katrina (or Kat for short), who I only remember being a Cleric. While I could probably get info out of her to just get 1:1 art of her character, I wanted to make one with my own creative flair added to it (and also have it be a surprise). So could you all post visual references and sites I can use for this project so then I can make the design as close to how an EQ Cleric would look? I mainly need armor, focii, and weapons. I know Clerics use blunt weapons and wear plate-mail, but anything would help, especially in-game screenshots.
    EDIT: Forgot to mention this but I'm guessing they can also use shields but not tower shields???

    submitted by /u/dazzlingflash
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    Many questions from a prospective new player considering joining Mischief

    Posted: 04 May 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Back in the day, I skipped Everquest and went from Ultima Online to WoW. With the new Mischief server coming, I'm considering trying EQ instead of WoW Classic Burning Crusade.

    Several questions:

    1) I played a couple hours on live last night to try it out and I've watched some project 1999 videos, and...I see the appeal of the game, but the interface is clearly from the 90s, and I just don't think I'll be able to deal with some of what I'm seeing. For example, I just watched a video of a guy crafting arrows...and it was literally ten mouseclicks per crafting attempt, many of them failed, and he was talking about filling entire bags full of crafted things. Hours worth of inventory management is not my idea of fun. But I notice on live, I was able to craft in batches of 20. Will Mischief have interface improvements like I'm seeing, or is it going to involve tedious hours of inventory clicking to do things like I'm seeing these videos?

    2) How do addons work? I see sites telling me that they're not supported in EQ at all, but I see videos of people playing with obviously custom interfaces. Is this exclusively a private server thing? Web search turns up references to Macroquest2 and Gina, but I also see people saying these are used by hackers, Mischief's ruleset mentions bans for automated play...and if I play I don't want to get banned. Will addons be allowed?

    3) It seems like there's crazy amount of stuff that the game just expects you to know without any obvious way in-game to find out. For example, I saw a video where the guy clicked a random wall in a city that apparently was a secret door leading to vendors. He picked out 4 assorted items to buy from giant text lists, dropped them into a crafting window, all with absolutely no indicator from the interface that these items were relevant to the type of crafting involved, let alone for a specific recipe. Even after he made the thing, the game still didn't tell him there was a recipe for what he's just made. Instead he continued dropping those random few items into a crafting window. Is that really how the game is, or am I seeing late-game shortcuts? How is a new player supposed to figure these things out? Some of what I've seen, I wouldn't even know to google it to figure out how to do because the game doesn't seem to give any indicator that these things are something you might want to do.

    4) I'm seeing conflicting information on how stats work. Suppose I have one stat at 100, with +200 from gear, and I have another stat at 110, with +200 from gear. Do they both cap at 255, or does one end up at 255 and one at 260?

    5) I'm seeing completely contradictory advice on the relative importance of stats. Some guides suggest dumping all stat points into stamina because it makes the early game easier. But when I played on live, I didn't get the impression that death was nearly as much of a problem as people are letting on. Some suggest enchanters should put everything into charisma because it enhances crowd crontrol effects, and that's probably what I would be focusing on. I also see suggestions that intelligence is the way to go, and that erudites are the only reasonable choice "if you don't want to be gimped/bad/laughed at" ...but based on my couple hours on live, mana endurance didn't seem like nearly as much of a problem as the video claimed, and meanwhile others are saying that by end-game racial stats bonuses are irrelevant, so just go with whatever you like the look of. But it's not entirely clear to me whether these people are talking about live with its dozens of expansions where stat-capping is easy, and for all I know stat-capping might not even be realistic on a new server which means that those 20-30 points might be very important on Mischief even if they're not important on another server. Opinions? I don't want to invest hundreds of hours into a character only to realize I did something irrecoverable and dumb.

    6) I'm leaning towards high-elf enchanter. Is this a complete mistake? I've been playing mostly as a healer in my MMOs for years, and I'm ready for a break from that. The most fun I've had in WoW has been tanking/soloing 5-man dungeons as a frost mage though gratuitous use of crowd control and terrain management. Enchanter appears to be fundamentally a crowd control class. I don't need to be top dps, and I like the idea of being able to do unconventional things. Is enchanter going to be a good fit for me?

    6a) I prefer the aesthetic of high elf over other options, but from what I'm seeing, there's no possible way for a high elf to get hide like dark elves get, only gnomes can tinker, if stat-capping isn't practical on a new server then high elves will always be gimped in terms of mana compared to everybody except humans, enchanters can cast illusions so high elf access to good cities isn't anything I wouldn't get anyway, and so far as I can tell, there's no faction-locking for groups like in WoW and the good/evil city problem is reputation only and therefore fiexable, not related to race. So basically it sounds like there's no possible scenario where a high elf isn't objectively worse than other options. Is that correct? How big of a deal is this?

    7) How popular a class is enchanter? I want to play something people want to have around rather than something so common that nobody wants another one. Especially as a new player who'll be learning the game and doesn't have 20 years of experience with it, as I'm sure many people will have. It's one thing to be mediocre dps because everybody else has that huge experience advantage, when 20 dps are needed and half of them are watching youtube videos in another tab while they raid because they've already done it a million times. It's something else entirely to be inexperienced and mediocre at a role that you only need one or two of, when that role already has an excess of people playing it.

    8) I've read that the enchanter raid experience is completely awful, because everything is immune to all their abillities, and enchanters end up doing very little except buff other players, but even despite that, they're still wanted in raids because reasons. Is this accurate?

    9) If I pass on enchanter, what would you suggest as an alternative based on what I've said so far?

    10)I see a LOT of videos focusing on how to make money in the early game. People running postal delivery over and over. People saying to make a level 20 alt purely for grinding platinum before even bothering to make your main. But from my couple hours on live...my impression is that this is pretty much a waste of time, and the way to go is to simply play and level up, and money will naturally come from the higher level monsters and drops. If it just means not buying some spell I don't need the moment it unlocks, or waiting an extra day on an upgrade every now and then, it's just not a big deal. Opinions?

    11) It seems like there are a lot of factions, and negative reputation seems to be a thing in this game. What are the new player pitfalls and "important" factions and other things I should generally be aware of or make a point not to do so I don't get stuck having to grind kills for 20 hours to make up for mistakes made while leveling?

    12) Generally speaking, is crafting going to be a useful thing for me to do, or is it going to be way easier to simply buy anything I need from the hardcore players who completely know the game and will already have max level crafting alts and rare recipes within the first week of play?

    13) Are quests important? On live the game handed me a bazillion quests within the first 5 minutes, but progress was much faster when I got bored of that and left the tutorial zone and went exploring and killed random stuff wherever along the way. If my playstyle is to go completely off the rails and simply do my own thing, is that going to work out ok or will I find myself retroactively going back at higher levels to go do quests I missed because they're important for whatever reason?

    14) How important are alts? Is this a game where you pretty much need to invest time in alts to "do it right?" Are alts relatively unimportant but it's probably worth spending an hour to get a level 5 character in some particular city to mail stuff to and from? Is this a "one max level character" game? Is this a "serious players all have one of everything" game? I don't mind investing a few hours into alts if it will benefit me, but I want to mostly focus on one character.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/ponieslovekittens
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    2560x1600 ui upscaling project - any ideas?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    EQ Players - will we ever see it again

    Posted: 04 May 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    I remember the first TLP launches, playing on the Sleeper TLP and having those amazing server unlock pages on eq players, showing the unlock steps to get to the next content unlocks and stuff.

    What I really miss is the actual player profile pages. I loved being able to compare my character to the other mages on the server, being able to see how my gear compared to theirs and seeing the top rankings of things like mages with most mana etc.

    It would be nice to see this come back from the ashes. Yes I know there sites like Magelo out there that do this, and I subscribe to Magelo, but that also requires other people to use Magelo and not everyone does.

    submitted by /u/globeadue
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    I too may be an old person

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    returning player should I place Live or TLP???

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    I am not as worried about playing the nostalgic years of EQ, but it would be a perk. However I can still grind in dungeons in live, however my main concern is playing Molo how restricting it would be. I could duo box with my 2 computers ,though that sounds complicated. I have never been much of a boxer anyhow. I guess the other question is how long until I reach the level I can group?

    Anyhow I just want to play some EQ and if a live server will work great! The newest TLC is Aradune and it seems to be nearing the point when I hear most people leave as well.

    submitted by /u/nirrtix
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    Mischief 4 box avoiding charm

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Im looking to play mischief at a more relaxed pace and so im wanting to avoid charming. Id like to be able to stop whenever without dying. Maybe this means i still want a chanter and thats fine but again, dont want to rely on them as primary damage.

    My initial thought is something like sk/shm/mage/wiz, but i worry about no rez. I dont have a huge class preference just wanna chill and watch my xp bar go up at a decent pace. End goal would mostly just to do group content with random friends and eventually old raids.

    submitted by /u/Zugare
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