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    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Everquest If you're considering Mischief and haven't played a TLP...

    Everquest If you're considering Mischief and haven't played a TLP...

    If you're considering Mischief and haven't played a TLP...

    Posted: 01 May 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    EDIT UP FRONT: So here's what someone down below said:

    " Tanthiel·45m

    In case you haven't logged in a bit, they moved to new servers when EG7 took over and the performance is significantly better than the Columbus Nova servers."

    I'll add to this edit if I see more relating to this, but hey maybe the entirety of the original post below is irrelevant now. Here's hoping! :-) Feel free to comment anyways if you think my memory of previous launches is way off the mark. Original post:

    There are plenty of you thinking about coming back to EverQuest after X years for the new TLP, and you're wondering about that server's new rules and all that jazz, as well as the normal TLP specific questions. All the way from server specific mechanics, to the meta of which classes get how much love in the group game, which are more/less fun or more/less crucial to raids etc. etc. There's one pretty massive element to this TLP that you should be aware of.

    When a TLP launches, it's a goddamn fucking disaster. It just is. There will be a login queue. The majority of your time for days or weeks will be staring at this queue screen.

    When you do get into the game, the game will crash, and you will be staring at the queue screen again. This is inevitable, this 100% will happen.

    Days or weeks after launch, logging in will maybe be semi-stable during most "non-peak" hours, if anyone can remember whatever the fuck timeframe that is. However during this glorious phase of TLP launch, I hope you don't want to travel because every zoneline you cross will take 2-5 minutes. This somehow seemingly got worse with the last TLP.

    Classic is only 1 month. Expect possibly the majority of that to be a fucking pain in the ass simply because of the server hosting alone, THEN contemplate all your other options/decisions from that perspective.

    submitted by /u/AevicNij
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    Let's talk macros.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    What are some of your favorite macros that you use in the game?

    Not something quite so simple as /pet attack, but something considerably more complex. I'd like to see what some of the rest of you come up with and just have a general conversation about EverQuest's built-in macro system. Some classes undeniably benefit from macros more than others.

    For example, here is a macro that I use for mezzing with a Bard, assuming spell slot 8 is a mez song:

    /attack off


    /xtar 2

    /pause 5, /cast 8

    /pause 26, /xtar 1

    Or maybe just activating Selo's Song of Travel more effectively, automatically switching to a preset Percussion bandolier setup, where spellslot 9 is Selo's:

    /attack off


    /bandolier activate Drum

    /cast 9

    submitted by /u/AWalkAlone
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    Server Suggestion while Awaiting TLP

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:55 PM PDT


    I re-subbed in anticipation of the newest TLP coming later this month. To kill time until release, is there a live server with decent population anyone would recommend? What about the free trade server? (FV if I recall).


    submitted by /u/coreyCLASH
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    Server recommendation for returning player?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Haven't played since 2002. Is there anything closer to vanilla that isn't dead if I subscribe?

    submitted by /u/n0x630
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    Mischief TLP Server Thoughts?

    Posted: 01 May 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    Mischief TLP Server Thoughts? I last played live EQ back in 2013. What are your thoughts on the new TLP Mischief server?

    I currently play on P99 Blue since it's free. Is it worth it to buy an All Access Membership just for the new TLP server? Based on previous TLPs, seems like they lose popularity in 1-2 years.

    Would it be a waste of time?

    submitted by /u/usaaffamily
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    Mischief TLP & flagging.

    Posted: 01 May 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Randomized loot, man what a perfect time to just remove VP & VT keying. Keying for VP especially is the least fun timesink of Kunark. VT keying is a not fun at all drudge during Luclin. If the server could just throw all their loot tables around as well, democratize/proliferate those drops - then just open the doors on a single server and let the masses go play in those parks. There's seemingly no chance of this happening unfortunately. I even expect their loot tables to stay restricted to their zones or some other half-measure to appease those still poopsocking their 10th TLP in a row. But fuck, if ever there was a time to just open it up, this server would be the most fun. Give the people the fucking candy already.

    edit: so SuperfluousBrain pointed out the obvious, VP & VT nameds aren't rares. My mind is racing through new TLP options and I'm (as usual) overlooking the obvious. Even MORE reason to unlock these zones for once. Just... man... fuck that keying process. Fuck it so much. I can't believe I'm even considering a TLP again. Goddamn you EverQuest you abusive fucking lover.

    submitted by /u/AevicNij
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    First time doing fresh TLP. Any tips and class suggestions.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    Hi folks! I'm fairly new to EQ, only got about a few months of playtime on Mangler(shoutout to the super friendly guildies who took me in) I'm mostly a solo player for the most part, sadly life and work gets in the way of a steady raiding schedule, but I enjoy grouping up and doing content when I can. With Mischief coming out I want to go hard and see how far I can go from scratch. So far I've only played SK, some shaman for boxing purposes(sadly cannot box anymore) and ranger(got that boy to 40, but just wasn't feeling it) I was thinking druid or bard for group desirability and solo potential, but does anyone else have any suggestions(perhaps more dps oriented ones) or better yet tips to help a new guy out.

    submitted by /u/bigbearman45
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