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    Everquest Help me pick a class please

    Everquest Help me pick a class please

    Help me pick a class please

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    Soon to be returning player. Currently I'm out backpacking the Appalachian trail and was just informed that Mischief came out. It seems pretty cool.

    I'm likely going to be able to start playing around mid august, which is Kunark?

    Can no trade items be traded on this server, did I read that right?

    I'm torn between a few characters. Part of me wants to play a guy I've never mained before, but that's not that important.

    On phinny I had a raid ranger. Absolutely loved it, but was my most recent tlp main.

    Monk's have an awesome appeal due to their dps. I don't mind pulling but I feel like not having downtime might be an issue. I sometimes need to go afk and as a puller that can get old, fast.

    I read that when a dot hits now, it registers the entire spell damage. So EB from a necro just needs to land and I could farm mobs effectively and get the xp if it came down to a dps race. Something about the necro appeals to me, but they seem boring in raids.

    I've never really been a fan of healing classes. Just not my cup of tea.

    Bards seem difficult and also would need to be pullers. So same issue with the monk, but with no dps. They seem really versatile though if played well. I just don't know the class well.

    What month will bst's be available?

    Just rambling on now. I just am so undecided. It'd be fun to play a main ive never played before, but I've mained pretty much all the classes I'd ever be interested in playing anyways.

    Paladin? Sounds gross. Rogue? Their DPS is garbage right?

    Edit. 1 box. - I'll have other toons, but I'm talking about my main here.

    submitted by /u/loteman77
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    Epic 2.0 prerequisites?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    Coming back to EQ after many years... Do I need to do epic 1.5 before 2.0? Have they eased up on this at all over the years?

    submitted by /u/SmellEither
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    Not sure what class to add as a box

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    I know there are a ton of boxing questions already here but what's one more? I'm playing on Mischief which is about to go into Kunark. My main is a Bard and I'd like to add a box just so I have something to do if I can't find a group, don't want to group, or maybe just farm plat (not named necessarily). Probably wouldn't hurt for some of the mobs that need to die for my Epic. Could maybe help with farming AA exp later too. Probably won't be fast but that's fine, I'm not an EQ expert and not really concerned about being mega efficient.

    Since most of the box posts are around full groups or the right combo to not need a full group, what class (if any) fills in for what I'm looking for? Something I can do just to have something to do besides run around in Selos circles. I'm pretty sure nothing really pairs well with a Bard specifically and the Bard is usually the box but I'm thinking probably a Mage? I don't think a Necro would work well since I believe Mage pets are better tanks? The Bard also makes up for some of the areas the Mage lacks with pulling singles and mana regen.

    Anything else to consider or think about?

    submitted by /u/TehHobbitz
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    One thing that has bothered me about EQ since coming back in 2017....mob power curve....

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:42 AM PDT


    Classes that I loved to play change (some very drastically) after level 60ish, then again after level 95ish.

    They might as well be new classes. Huge deterrent to starting a new class I haven't tried. get to know Necro from 1 to 60 and over the next 10 levels it turns into a new class. Some classes change more than others (rangers are finally RANGERS and not bitch warriors...but then that is only after 105 and significant and expensive gear changes to make HS useful)


    The mob power curve is disgusting, and asinine at best. and a dick to the mouth of players at average.

    Where there used to be a VERY SLOW but albeit a path to level solo (thinking of monk here) all the way from 1 to 60. The draw to group for faster gains was there....when I couldn't be bothered, or had RL challenges that prevented full attention to the game, I could sit waiting for a mob to spawn, kill it, and then go back to RL. That isn't possible now. (lvl 103) a single bad round of hits, and my 80k health is down to 30k, and i' down before my merc can heal.) Light blues.....

    Introducing Mercs. Good change given the fact that 99% of zones are ghost towns, BAD change considering the developers for this game must smoke meth, snort coke, and suck on poop flavored lolly pops all day when they decided that even with a Merc, most classes cannot molo at all. My 107 ranger with top notch gear on FV, got the biggest ass beating hes had since 2002 when I tried to Molo 1 of the entrance mobs in Upscaled Seb. dead in less than the time it took my merc to cast a heal. This is absolutely shameful and disgusting

    OK rant off, now your turn, what are your thoughts on the power curve this game has slapped us with?

    submitted by /u/HalfInsaneOutDoorGuy
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