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    Sunday, June 13, 2021

    Everquest New to Everquest. What do you do in the game?

    Everquest New to Everquest. What do you do in the game?

    New to Everquest. What do you do in the game?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    I'm level 14, just doing quests in Crescent Ridge.

    I'm wondering, at this level, is there anything to do other than quests or killing mobs?

    submitted by /u/darkLordSantaClaus
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    Guild creation question

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    I have a question . If I wanted to make a guild could I pay for 1 month subscription and cancel next month after I created a guild and still be able to keep it ?

    submitted by /u/dogman1987
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    Which Server is Best? “Returning Player”

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I have been debating this post for a while now as I know there will be many people that have varying opinions with out truly reading most of the post but I need help and guidance on this and thought maybe the community might be able to give me a better direction. So here's the sitch.

    I have been an on and off EQ player for over 20 years. I want to start off with saying, I have tried multiple TLP servers and found them to be not my cup of tea. The players I ran into were very nice but that point in the game wasn't when I truly enjoyed playing. I don't believe too much has changed in the game since last stent, in 2019, and I ended up transferring most of my characters to FV. I ended up having a hard time finding groups and eventually ended up trying to box 6 chars, which was vastly out of my league and skill level. When I look back at my years in EQ, I find that the most enjoyment I had was when I was grouping. I'm not saying I'm the worlds best player by any means, but I did ended up raiding in most the top tier guilds on Bristlebane and Luclin. Im not at a point in my life anymore where I can play for much during the week, except a couple hours, and maybe 10-16 on the weekend. This does sound like quite a bit but when it comes to EQ, we all know just how "much" can be accomplished in that time in that game. I do have characters on FV and all of them are 100+ (SK, Enc, Shaman, Druid, Bard, multiple Mages, multiple Zerkers, a Beastlord, and finally a Cleric) as u can prob derive from my boxing crew(s) comment earlier. I do truly love the game and would love to get back in, just boxing more than 1 extra char seems a little more than I really wanna do. Anyone got any advice? I am not opposed to re-rolling, although it is a lot of history to leave behind, but I'm more interested in being able to enjoy some group socialization more. Its not like I have anything that I can't necessarily get back with re-rolling. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I hope some people are able to help, as this has been a decision I have been struggling with for some time now.

    submitted by /u/KapitalPun
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    Mischief <-> Thornblade transfer?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    I read through the server transfer rules and it seems like there should be no issue, but I just wanted to ask the community and see if anyone has successfully transferred between the two and can offer me some peace of mind?

    I began on Mischief but then some friends started playing on Thornblade so I just figured I'd transfer my main and continue with them over there, since I don't really want to start over...

    submitted by /u/Erekai
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