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    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    Everquest Reddit's Spam Filter is Having Issues

    Everquest Reddit's Spam Filter is Having Issues

    Reddit's Spam Filter is Having Issues

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Over the past week or so, Reddit's spam filter seems to have been turned up to 11. There have been a lot of posts in the subreddit that have been auto removed, not by our AutoMod, but by the Reddit filter. These removed posts DO NOT show up in our moderation log or moderation queue.

    Those accounts are what Reddit refers to as "Shadowbanned" meaning you do not see your comments as removed, but the rest of us don't see them (except moderators who see them as removed)

    You can see an example here: https://www.reddit.com/r/everquest/comments/o9bf96/sk_10_question/

    The user's profile doesn't appear when you click on their username, and every comment in the thread had to be approved by a moderator.

    If you think your comments or posts are missing and would like us to check, please use the Message the Moderators link in the sidebar and let us know.

    submitted by /u/Tobris
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    Bristlebane or another server?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    I'm looking to 2 box a couple characters and trying to decide a server. I want to avoid FV. But I'm looking for a server that is perhaps 'moderately' populated so I can farm a lot of stuff uninterrupted, but still be able to group once I hit higher level. Bristlebane seems a bit higher populated than what I'm looking for but I want to avoid a total ghost town. Any ideas, or should I just stick with Bristlebane?

    submitted by /u/gloomyglimmer
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    This zone is not ready to receive visitors yet. Temple of Veeshan. Solution?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    UPDATE :Read below for solution

    I've searched pretty hard online. Before deciding to post here.

    Ok so I read all about the "bug" and the teleport bind etc, apparently its still a thing, Because yeah I didn't start having trouble until after on my druid.

    What I'm trying to do is run into the instance with my level 1 and my high level character. So I can gear them out with gear for fun (yeah I know there is defiant gear but I REALLY wanna do this gear VS the defiant)

    So the situation and what lead up to it:

    I tested the waters first to see if my higher level druid could handle it. Zoned in fine, Could handle the zone. So I logged my level 1 in, partied with my higher druid and ran my level 1 out there. Once my level 1 was with my higher level druid outside the temple. I tried to use my druid to bind itself and my level 1 outside on the snow, druid binded but level 1 couldnt, no biggie.

    Then I accidentaly clicked the teleport bind aa within the same zone I binded to (YEAH this is apparently what triggers the instance bug the forums say and this has been going back years, guess they never fixed it). After teleport bind did seemingly nothing but say in chat I faded away (Nobody actually teleported though). I ran my druid to the temple of veeshan to click in first.

    Yeah bounced my druid to succor. Tried on my level 1 then, Yeah bounced me to succor.

    Ok ran them back, tried again, same message about zone not being ready for visitors and bounces me to succor on both toons.

    I close out my clients, wait 30 min, log back in. Druid got in fine, then I invite my level 1.... Which got bounced back to succor again.

    This is pretty frustrating, the guides Ive read (Its how I even knew about temple of veeshan for alt twinking) Said a level 1 can get in and if I'm seeing the zone not ready for visitors then thats the bug and not a level requirement thing because it has a seperate message for not meeting level requirements for zones.

    Should I contact an in game GM and see if they will port me into the temple of veeshan or what.

    Its a decent run just to keep getting bounced around. Has happened to BOTH characters, even my high level and my higher level druid can get in on and off but also gets bounced to succor here and there. Level 1 is always getting bounced.

    Sorry for the long post, But wanted to cover as many details as I could in case someone had a solution.


    Logged 3 toons in. 83 druid, 63 bard, 93 paladin. Had druid port everyone in front of temple of veeshan. All went in, Made a campfire (its why 3 people are needed). Then logged paladin out and relogged in on the level 1 since they used the same account. Invited level 1 to party. Campfire stayed. Used fellowship insignia on level 1 to teleport inside to veeshan to the campfire. Success!

    submitted by /u/EvasiveDice
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    Bard Songs at 40

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 03:11 PM PDT


    Tired of soloing (On mischief). I know i'm missing some songs, however, what are the good ones to have on melody rotation for groups at and around 40? Noticed a few videos that show builds but at 50 and spells higher than I currently am.

    submitted by /u/TopFinding3897
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    Easiest way to shrink an ogre?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Came back after many years and made new characters with some friends. I made an ogre, and I'm already sick of ducking in dungeons. Is there an easy illusion item to get, or shrink potions, or...something else? Seriously debating starting over as a small character. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sorebutton
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    Necro Red eye jack

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    So, been camping Red Eye Jack in FV for two days now at 16hrs straight both days lol Does this guy have a PH ? I've been murdering everything in sight, vie only seen Kwinn 3 times and not a hint of red eye of jack.

    UPDATE: I have finally killed Red Eye Jack lol

    submitted by /u/Dharkarai
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    Mouse issues - tried F12

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    Has anyone had this before? I'm experiencing an issue where my mouse doesn't click in the area of the center of the screen. It's almost as if something is stopping the mouse from moving over that area. I haven't run into this before. At first, I thought I hit F12 and my mouse just wasn't working, but after poking around I realized that I was able to click off to the sides of the window.

    I tried clicking out, alt+tabbing, no change. I just logged and am relogging to see if that helps, but wanted to see if this was a thing that people have dealt with and have a real solution for.


    submitted by /u/jrhyder
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    Multiboxing, sub + F2P?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    To try and elaborate...I'm looking to set up a 3 box to get back into EQ. Currently I have one account with All Access, another account with a heroic character (going to use to support the other 2) that is F2P, and a 3rd F2P account.

    I'd like to ultimately turn this into a 3 box and work towards later expansions. I'm curious though, will the F2P accounts be viable? What limitations will I have by staying F2P? I'm OK with buying the expansions on them since I know that will come up.

    Would it be acceptable or necessary to alternate the account that has All Access? Would a one month All Access sub for the F2P accounts be enough? Would love to hear any thoughts on this. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DixieKongCountry
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    At what point do EW expansions stop offering random equipment drop upgrades that you can farm?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    So started playing again! I am planning on going through expansions in order, and only using era appropriate gear. I actually have a heroic character so I am using him to farm some twink items and PL my new character, but im not using kunark/velious/lucllin drops until I "progress" there.

    One thing I've always loved about EQ is the old loot structure, where you could think out a level 1 with awesome gear. I am looking forward to incrementally gearing up per expansion and doing any non raid progression I can before moving on.

    My question is, I know recently EQ seems to have become more of a theme park shuttling you from zone to zone, and I get the impression that you just follow group progression in each expansion to get the best non raid gear. Which is fine, I'm somewhat looking forward to that too...but at one point will I stop being able to get legitimate improvements from killing random nameds or rare mobs a la FBSS from frenzied ghoul?

    Couple bonus questions:

    • can I do my epic at 50 with the help of a level 85 heroic character?

    • what does progression look like from PoP to OoW? I never played max level during those expansions so I'm curious what I can do there as a group. Looking to do group progression but I probably won't get into raid progression for those.

    Edit: A letter.

    submitted by /u/theloons
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