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    Sunday, June 27, 2021

    Everquest SK 1.0 question

    Everquest SK 1.0 question

    SK 1.0 question

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    If you trigger the last SK epic fight and fail do you have to start the entire thing again or is there some way to retrigger it? Also does Marl despawn immediately or would multiple people be able to do the turn in? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/gultix
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    Bard Tips?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    Made a Bard, having fun.. However it appears as I level up, I see videos of bards with a bunch of macros... So, is there a guide out there or anyone have tips on what songs/macros are good out there? I'm playing on Mischief server

    submitted by /u/TopFinding3897
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    FNG Heroic Bard Looking For People To Play With!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Hiyas, new guy here,

    I have this Heroic Bard (who i am willing to relocate to other servers if nessesary) and i'm looking for a guild, friend group, community or etc. to play with.

    Just looking to be a conversational tag along. I'm not all that picky about where i end up. I would like to go with the flow and see where it lands me. It'll make for good fun, dont you think?

    submitted by /u/ApprehensiveAd8623
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    Too many SKs?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    I have been playing in Rizlona, but decided to dabble in some of the live servers I haven't really touched since OoW. Doing various /who all's on a couple of servers (FV, Vox, one other, maybe Bristle?) I was surprised to see at top level very few (like only 20ish of pretty much every class with a few exceptions) and then tons of sks which were "list was too long to list them all" message. So.....the question is: at the upper end is it difficult to find groups with so many sks? - are people tanking with them or just Molo'ing with them? I thought there'd be a ton of dps - monks, wizards, zerkers and lots of bards and encs but far far less than the sk's. I'm perplexed. I loved my SK back in the day because I could easily form groups around me with the abundance of dps, but now I'm wondering if the market is saturated.

    submitted by /u/ina393
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    Thinking of coming back, couple questions!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Hi all! I've played EQ off and on through the years but never really did expansion progression. Was always pretty casual (though I played a lot).

    I am interested in coming back and trying to progress through expansions in order as much as I reasonably can as a solo player. I know raids at level will be something I'd have to skip but am interested in hitting level cap, locking XP, doing as much as I can solo and then moving to the next one. Interested in getting as many achievements per expansion as possible too.

    Is it feasible to do something like this? I'm willing to get 2 subs if needed and 2 box...or would I really need more than that to be able to do group content for expansions? Is 2 enough for stuff like LDoN? Would I need the 2nd box from the outset or could I hold off for a bit?

    What classes would complement each other well? I am interested in the following, so I'd love combinations that include 2 of these: Necro, druid, shaman, mage, beastlord, ranger, SK.

    Practically, does it matter if I have one good and one evil aligned character going together?

    Would FV be the best server for this? That way I could buy lower level raid items I may need as well, right?

    Sorry for the wall of text. Would really appreciate any tips!

    submitted by /u/theloons
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    How to raise ogre/Troll guard and SK faction in Classic/Kunark?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    I've found a lot of missing spells for my gnome necro here in Oggok and Grobb, but i'm getting sick of the transfer plat to a SK toon, buy, bank it, pick it up routine. and just want to bind here as I'll be in Lower Guk really soon (Currently level 26) and these cities are a tad closer than the humans and a lot close than Ak'anon...

    Wondering if there is a "turn in bone chips" for ogres/Trolls like there is for Iksar.

    Thank you !


    It might be faster to use an alt, but more fun to raise faction, especially when what I kill will give me XP anyway =D

    submitted by /u/HalfInsaneOutDoorGuy
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