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    Tuesday, June 1, 2021

    Everquest This game needs a remastered version

    Everquest This game needs a remastered version

    This game needs a remastered version

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    The original EQ is begging for a remastered version

    Keep what's good, update the graphics (but keep everything derived from the original - just better polygons), update combat a little bit but keep the auto attack / med style gameplay

    Make things hard, keep Xp loss in, give some good abilities and class balance.

    You don't even need to struggle with this pantheon crap - just remaster the original game.

    edit: I'm not talking about modifying the existing game. I'm talking about recreating the original everquest with all of the best parts - including models that look like the classic 1999 models (but updated with more polys), improved gameplay, etc. on a new engine that manages to feel like the original game (ie. not the hero engine)

    submitted by /u/merkmerk73
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    new player class confusion

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    i wanna start playing this game for real but im really in doubt about what to play, i like casters and support classes so ive been thinking about bard druid wizzard or beastlotd. Any insight on what to play for a newcomer? and about those classes

    submitted by /u/PedrinMalandrin
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    Looking for a third option for a trio for Mischief

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    Currently have a shaman and necro. Would like to add in anything that's not an enchanter or mage or a SK, but I'm most flexible on the SK.

    I was thinking either paladin, ranger, bard or monk.

    If I were to choose SK, I'd just wait for Kunark (but miss classic, which would suck).

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Siven
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    How much of the monk epic 1.0 can be bought here on FV?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    As I sit in Rathe waiting for brother stupid face to walk around wondering which piece of ass is his place holder....Is this even worth it? I mean yes I want the 1.0 for 100% sure.

    what I do not like to do is run around randomly wondering if the nerd I'm looking for spawned in another part of the zone and about to despawn...or alting in with a ranger/bard and tracking while attempting to kill hill giants.

    I have 1 of the pipes, but I do not remember which it is as I've camped the hell out of both karnors and Sarnak shithole for hours up on hours both. I know at least the pipes can be bought and sold

    just wondering what amount of pain I can spare myself by doing what I can solo.

    I'm level 72 and just hoping it can be moloed haha

    Love ya faces!

    submitted by /u/HalfInsaneOutDoorGuy
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    EQ communities DOT time fence post error

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    We've been referring to 6 second intervals as ticks for 21 years now.

    My druids dot lasting 54 seconds, being labelled as 9 ticks on allakhazam. But the spell duration is 54 plus the remainder of the previous tick, and the last tick fires at zero.

    54 divided by 6 is nine. But the spell hits at zero, too, for a total of 10 hits.

    And, yeah, all that and stuff. What does this mean?

    submitted by /u/CrodeD2
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