• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Everquest Why do people never tell you a price in EC Tunnel TLP?

    Everquest Why do people never tell you a price in EC Tunnel TLP?

    Why do people never tell you a price in EC Tunnel TLP?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    It's so frustrating as a new player.

    Me - "Hi how much are you selling [Item] for?"

    Seller - "Make an offer?"

    Me - "25p?"

    Seller - "LOL no!"


    Seller - "not even close to what its worth"

    Me - "okay how much would you sell it for?"

    Seller - "Make me a good offer!"

    9/10 Trades go this way, I've been asked to check TLP auctions I see a few 10p prices and a few 50p so I offer 25 or 30 still rejected. BUT THEY NEVER TELL ME WHAT PRICE THEY WANT!

    submitted by /u/Right_Cycle7854
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    THIS ONE THING brings me back to 2001 again hard.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Siting here waiting till the servers come back up repeatedly checking if they came up early while also repeatedly calculating pacific time into my own mountain time even though I KNOW its 1 hour earlier than I am....

    I mean seriously after 22 years they STILL have to have 6 hours of down time?


    submitted by /u/HalfInsaneOutDoorGuy
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    Epic turn ins.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    So I have everything for my rogue epic on mischief, how much can you turn in for epics or should I just wait to till Kunark launches.

    submitted by /u/Dharkarai
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    Rangefinder UI mod

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Starting a Wiz and would love to have a little number in the target box that tells me range to target . Does anyone know if something like that exists, I can see rangers wanting it as well in order to stay out of frontal but within joust range.

    submitted by /u/Chuzordie
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    Family & Friends and Possible sales on the latest expansion.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    I have started playing on Kunark. It's on the expansion I left off on. I was checking out the latest expansion and was wondering if they ever go on sale? Also, the Family and Friends pack sounds crazy. How many people can you share the expansion with?

    Sorry to bother, thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/Edible_Jesus
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    Boxing group suggestion - have 3 all access accts

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    I want to start a new box group as sk, cleric, bst, bard, zerk, zerk. My sk is already taking 1 but which classes do I put on my other paid accounts? Both zerks? Bst and zerk? Which ones need AAs to be most effective?

    submitted by /u/SmellEither
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    Sk / Shm 2box mischief

    Posted: 16 Jun 2021 12:55 AM PDT

    I'm just looking for some general advice on boxing a shadow knight and shaman. What's a good strategy for duoing dungeons 35+? I'm having hard time managing the two versus a enc/cleric box I found easier. People who 6 box are masters lol. I wanted to try something different for this TLP. Ogres are sexy.

    submitted by /u/_Floppycock
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