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    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    Everquest (EQ ToV) Empowered Tradeskill aug question

    Everquest (EQ ToV) Empowered Tradeskill aug question

    (EQ ToV) Empowered Tradeskill aug question

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:47 PM PST

    (EQ ToV) Empowered Tradeskill aug question

    No information that I can find is readily available. http://eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=65190 What are the quests line/Achievements required to do make these? we get this message (See Picture) when we try to make the items for the Empowered Aug. For instance when trying to make the Enchanted Velium Clay.


    submitted by /u/Odur29
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    Looking for old friends from Drinal!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Looking for old friends from Drinal!

    Posted this on Twitter today as well but my brother pointed me here.

    Used to play from early 2000 until 2005ish. If anything in this image sounds familiar, I'd love to reconnect! Been looking for old friends, would be awesome if they're here on Reddit. :)

    PSA I was 10 when I played, sorry if I was an annoying little shit.


    submitted by /u/Nathalie_CSS
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    Graphic delays

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 02:09 PM PST

    Anyone else notice a delay in objects rendering when loading? Prior to the patch it hardly happened, today, however, it takes like 5 -8seconds for graphics to load from grey objects to fully colored and texturized. Just curious if anyone else is noticing this.

    submitted by /u/kdkb27
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    TLP server selection question

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    When I look at the server list, esp the newer servers from 2018 to 2019 I'm tempted by mangler as it was launched in 2019, and I don't need to level Live fast, but I'd like to ask the community's opinion on impressions of Coirnav, Mangler, and Selo while I'm at it, to get a general sense of the state of each as of today.

    Any feedback on this is appreciated as I'd like to take a little extra time now to pick a new home for a character, then stick.

    Thanks very much.

    submitted by /u/Tapies
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    Official Forums ... can't post/reply?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 05:19 AM PST

    I just registered myself for the official forums, I can't seem to find anything on the site about this issue. Wondering if others had a similar problem and how it can be resolved.

    Basically I registered myself and it says " (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)" on every single thread, although I am able to "Like" posts, which I couldn't when I wasn't registered. I did verify my email and that didn't change a thing.

    I can't see a way to message anyone via the forums to see about getting it fixed ... any idea what's up?

    submitted by /u/wreckinitralph
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