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    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    Everquest The Chelsith Stone - EverQuest - Solved?

    Everquest The Chelsith Stone - EverQuest - Solved?

    The Chelsith Stone - EverQuest - Solved?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:37 PM PST

    Hello Norrath,

    I played EQ Live in the early 2000's. Started Project 1999 in early 2012 and enjoy it.

    I am not a Lore Master, just an avid gamer, and EverQuest enthusiast.

    This happened by accident.

    It would help to watch 5 minutes of this great video,

    Michael's Shenanigans - More EverQuest Mysteries from 2:45 to 7:45 on the topic.


    He also mentions it again at 11:15 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPfy_3Hh_m4&t=675


    The Chelsith Stone Album


    I put this together wandering the North Desert of Ro in search of the Dunedigger, which is another story.



    submitted by /u/iBangFatGirls
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    Which sever would my characters be on if I was on Seventh Hammer before there were and mergers?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:15 AM PST

    Title is the question. I played for years and figured out how to get a daybreak acct but I'm not sure where my toons are.

    submitted by /u/FouledAnchor
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    Any old Ayonae Ro ~ Tribunal ~ Bristlebane players?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:26 AM PST

    I played on Ayonae Ro from about 2000 to 2006, over time it merged with Tribunal and Bristlebane.

    I was in Final Destiny, knew people in Prism, Eternal Wrath, Rest in Peace. I'm looking for a few friends.

    Erikanudan, Cmedietoo, Kharizma, Teaamillie, Tessil, Hamek. Are any of you out there? I miss you.

    Started P99 in 2012 and have met a few players over time from Ayonae.




    submitted by /u/iBangFatGirls
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    Boxing help on mangler.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 10:53 AM PST

    I currently have the option to 2box a Shaman, and either a SK (some raid gear), Monk (bazar geared), or Ranger(bazar geared) (all are 60).

    What would be my best option to stick to? during my play time i either box, or attempt to group but due to limited time, I do not do many exp groups. I raid 2-3 times a week if my schedule allows it. What would best serve my playing habits, and guild for raids?

    gear/AAs dont matter to me for i will max out what i can.


    submitted by /u/Everdark
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    Best pop era and beyond duo/trio? (No merc)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 11:07 PM PST

    Looking to return to eq, and im looking to 2box, but will entertain 3 boxing.. my goal is to be able to duo some pop named myself if possible, and have a strong farming box for later expansions potentially... ive never really farmed items for plat in eq, but id like to give it a try now. I know everyone does chanter + cleric, but im not a big chanter fan.. any idea's? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Godianz
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    Low level gear recommendations

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:49 AM PST

    I'm currently working on a warrior and wizard and was wondering if there were any guides or recommendations on low level gear that I should be looking for.

    I know that the Defiant gear drops will probably serve for the armor aspect of both toons well for a long time, but the warrior especially needs some weapon upgrades - currently DW Simple Conscript Bastard Sword and the Gloomingdeep Kobold Shortsword.

    Any recommendations or gear guides I should be looking at?

    submitted by /u/Dash728
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    What about the "hard core" aspects of the game

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 06:35 AM PST

    If I understand TLP servers correctly they seem to add expansions regurarily, until they have them all, and I don't really see the point for this.

    Wouldn't it be better to have two versions of the game. One version with all the convenience features that has been added over time (Quite frankly, this could be EQ2), and another version with some of the old "hard core" aspects of the game.

    Aspects I would like to see would be stuff like

    • Severe penalties for dying, but maybe not as bad as the original from '99
    • Long/Random spawn times for unique mobs, which is good for camping, loot conflict and market prices.
    • Limitation on dungeon instancing. Large "chaos" dungeons where everyone has access is more appealing imo.
    • Limitation on travelling (portals etc.), but maybe not as limited as in '99

    I know there are servers out there with classic rules and so on, but I'm guessing they are missing out on updated graphics, audio, new map territory as well as bug fixes.

    Disclamer, I'm not an expert on "good old" EQ, I just know what kind of game I'm looking for.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/FluffTutu
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