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    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Everquest Extruded Black Pearl - A guide to A Formal Dinner Party

    Everquest Extruded Black Pearl - A guide to A Formal Dinner Party

    Extruded Black Pearl - A guide to A Formal Dinner Party

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Hail our spooky boi A Dreadspire Servant in PoK and say accept. You are now on your way to a badass aug that fits in your charm slot! Personally, I like it better than the current ToV charm aug (less armor, sure, but more heroic stats! ToV should be for your tank, and Extruded Black Pearl for everything else imo).

    You'll be sent to an instanced version of Dreadspire. This is a classic CLUE-type mission. Once you go through the initial dialogue, the screen will go black. Someone will have killed Mr. Smotts, and it is your job to find out both who and where. Your only chance at the aug is successfully completing the entire mission.

    You must provide five pieces of evidence to the quest NPC in dreadspire. Four of these items come from mobs in the zone, and one is a food item. There are like 8 room in which the murder could have occurred. Each will have a ground spawn food item on the floor. LEAVE THIS STUFF ALONE until you have your other four pieces of evidence. However, it is highly advised that you take note of what food item is in what room at this point. (When I say leave it alone, I mean pick it up and hang on to it, but do not do anything else with it yet. See below)

    Mobs in each room have the chance to drop 1 clue. Once it drops, move on to the next room. It isn't guaranteed that mobs will drop an item at all. If you've cleared the whole zone and can't find that fourth clue, go to the very bottom of the southern spire and beat up the four weapon racks. It'll probably be there. It will be a no drop item. This item will have class restrictions on it. This is how you find out who the murderer is. Basically, compare the four items you got. Find the class that shows up on all four and you have your murderer. Sometimes you get lucky and the item is restricted to just a single class. Congrats, that's your murderer!

    But DO NOT attempt to solve anything yet. Even if you know who the murderer is, you must complete the entire mission. So keep collecting evidence. On my first fully successful clear, the first mob clue was an item solely restricted to BER. So we knew the BER was the murderer, but we still had to collect the rest.

    Once you have the four mob clues and know which CLASS it is, go back to the entrance hall and look at the food item that is on the table in front of the murderer. i.e., if the Druid committed the murder, look at the food in front of the druid. Now check your notes! Take note of the food item in front of the murderer and check your notes for what room that food item was in. You now have your murder room! For example, if the druid has the Fruitcake in front of her and you find the Fruitcake in the laboratory, then you know the murder was committed in the laboratory.

    Turn in the four mob-drop clues. Then turn in the CORRECT food item that you picked up from the murder room or just pick up the food item in front of the killer--it's the exact same. The food items are fairly unique, so you can either take note of them as you go room to room if you don't want to waste bag space, or you can pick them up as you go. You will now be asked where the murder happened and who dunnit. Correctly answer, and you must now kill the murderer.

    Once done, a chest will spawn on the table with one red berry paste in it. Take this paste on the character you want the pearl on, go into the normal non-instanced version of dreadspire and give this paste to a batling in the bat tower, and youll get your pearl.

    submitted by /u/Jibeker
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    Group composition on live

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Friend and I are going to level up from heroic level range. I can 2/3 box and he will 2/3 box. We want to be able to level by ourselves if we aren't on at the same time. We want to progress through as much content as possible with our group.

    Here is what we currently have: SK, Enchanter, Bard, Druid, Mage, Wizard, BST. 2 free heroic upgrades.

    The SK is a no brainer, what else should each of us consider playing? If we both 3 box, someone has to be the main heal and I'm not sure we want to...but all suggestions are welcome!

    submitted by /u/roninnlod
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    Just Supertwinked a Bard

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    Server item trade

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Looking to trade my Fungi Tunic, a few haste items, and an assortment of ranger gear on Phinny for comparable gear on the Mangler server if anyone could help me! 😄😄

    submitted by /u/SlayPoupon
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    Bard vs Enc in this 3 box LIVE

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    I'm a somewhat proficient at boxing, and I'm looking at adding one more to my team.

    SK, SHM, Cleric Merc, 2xMelee Merc.

    Thinking bard or enc for the CC, buffs, extra DPS. I saw enchanters get a nice bonus to triple attack on one of their buffs, not sure if a bard stacks up, but I know bards can only do four buffs at a time. As for the bard I figure I should be able to keep it in melee range of fights.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Physical_Mirror
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    2 Players, 2 Boxes each (Either or)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Timeline: Classic to Live (Progression.)
    Play-style: Mostly group content and maybe some raiding.

    Would you go with,

    Team 1

    Player 1 - SHD-Main, BRD-Box
    Player 2 - MNK-Main, SHM-Box


    Team 2

    Player 1 - SHD-Main, MAG-Box
    Player 2 - BRD-Main, SHM-Box


    Team 3

    Do you have 4-box team you currently run with that works?

    My partner and I have tried a few combos in the past... Mainly looking for the best 2-box for each of us. The team would need to be powerful in all eras and aspects of the game. We also consider friends that don't box and the addition of mercenaries. Our last Team was actually team 1's composition and it worked very well. However, I'm thinking that dropping the MNK and adding a MAG might be the better bet. However, I'm not too certain? I think I landed with team 1 because the Bard song line would be melee focused, instead of trying to also incorporate caster songs. Just looking to see what others think and thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/sydiko
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    Heroic Shaman hotbutton advice

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Finally got the Heroic Shaman all settled and wanted to start bringing her along to assist my 97 Shadow Knight in Shard's Landing.

    I kind of have an idea of what I want her to do... Malo and Slow the mob on inc, stack some DoTs, and try to keep Panther up... any suggestions on Hotbutton formats that I can use? Any other suggestions on short term buffs or emergency heal Hotbuttons?

    submitted by /u/Ronzonius
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