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    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    Everquest Clothing store?

    Everquest Clothing store?

    Clothing store?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Help. BOOBS Too Big. I'm level 18 barbarian beastlord. Female. Vox server. Free account. Is there a place in Crescent where I can buy a robe or something to cover up these enormous boobs? Serious question.

    submitted by /u/PorchFrog
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    quellious tips for a returning player from 2002

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    so i am a lvl 60 tsk with no aas and crap gear. i just took on the king and warlord in solb for some old school fun with a tier 1 cleric. what should i go do to actually level ? i know there are no groups, and the reason i stopped playing was my gear sucked.

    submitted by /u/ergoergoergoergo
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    Haven’t played since 2002

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    So I played this game for a few years back in the day and was thinking of getting back in. I have a lot of free time on my hands now. I'm curious if someone could direct me to a good server to start on that is good for new or returning players. I'd like to make a magic class as well if you have any recommendations.

    submitted by /u/Stubanger
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    See others mounts velious armor textures with old models?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Is there a way to see other peoples mounts and use the velious armor textures with old character models? I found a few posts around velious textures but don't see those values in my eqclient.ini and have not been able to find any way to see others mounts. Thank you all in advance!

    Here's what I was using for velious textures but cannot find these values; https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/velious-armor-textures.232811/

    submitted by /u/Xiepher1123
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    Beastlord Question?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Hi. I am a lvl 10 beastlord. I have a best ial tunic which is supposed to cast bramblecoat at lvl 1. it worked ok until level 10 then it stopped, saying I am not sufficient level to use it.
    Has this happened to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Kay_Vegh
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    Is there a server I can experience old content solo?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:24 AM PDT

    I drunkenly dropped the $15 for a sub a few weels ago and made a heroic mage on a random server. I loved having an 85 with way too many AA points from the start but every boss I tried to go and solo was dead. I mean even guys like Spiritseeker Nadox are permacamped.

    I saw something about "Agents of Change" but it is really hard to find Everquest info these days. Is there a server I can make a Heroic premade and instance old (PoP and older) content to enjoy on my own?

    submitted by /u/DasFlo25
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    Necro solo/molo question

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Ive been playing for years, but I have been running into an issue lately about monsters summoning me and murdering me. The solution ive come up with is to just avoid that monster from now on, as the pet is just not tanky enough and the healer merc barely doesnt keep up.

    Is there something else i should try? Level 75-80 ish

    submitted by /u/bolomon7
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