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    Friday, April 17, 2020

    Everquest Druid Spell LIst help!

    Everquest Druid Spell LIst help!

    Druid Spell LIst help!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I just made an 85 druid on my account. I was trying to find out what spell sets go for what levels, the idea was to buff my alts with her, or just sit in POK and buff for donations.

    So, is there a list of different level groups? like Under 20/ 20 to 30/ ect.. so i don't have to read each and every spell?

    submitted by /u/Kaiju_Kami
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    Murdunk's last stand bugged?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    As you may have read my other post I was having some mercenary issues last night. So I figured it was time to do the quest and get the J5 mercenary. Completed all the prequests. The quest completed. I have the requisite things done for it, and got the quest reward. Yet no completion on my quest history tab.

    Thinking a bug of some kind, I deleted it expecting it to pop up. It didn't. Now I have about 4 hours before I can do it again, and no reason to believe it will be different. Any thoughts as to what it is, or any work arounds?

    submitted by /u/wesker1213
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    Necro or Bst

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I'm planning a return to the phinny server as it's about to breach level 100. Starting here will let me see the newer expansions that I missed. Already have a consistent raid guild lined up. Question though is which class. I've narrowed it down to the following two, but can't decide. Necro or Beastlord.

    Here's my pros and cons list for each.

    Beast Pros over Necro:

    • Melee is more interesting/fun than just casting
    • Getting weapon upgrades is so satisfying (necro doesn't see power bumps from a single item like a bst with a new weapon)
    • Fun in any type of group (fast or slow. Necro sucks when a group kills fast or has this changed)
    • Always found it easy to get groups

    Necro Pros over Bst:

    • Putting out your top DPS doesn't necessarily mean you're constantly mana starved (My bst has always been OOM when going hard)
    • If you die on a raid, it's a lot easier to get back into the fray on a necro (bsts take forever with all the buffs/pet buffs!).
    • Don't have to constantly rotate buffs on other players/groups (Keeping fero up with the bst was a pita)

    I've played both classes a lot and they're both fun. Though I quit the necro because they weren't any fun in groups. I didn't get a chance to raid on necro.

    I quit the bst because he couldn't keep up with dps unless he ran himself OOM. Plus raiding at 65 on him was a PITA with fero and if you or your pet died it was such a hassle.

    In summary:

    I love both classes. I think both are fun. But both have had big enough downsides in the past that I quit playing them eventually. Are those downsides (mentioned in detail above) still present or have things changed? Since both are fun, I would lean towards the one that brought the most personal dps to the group/raid.

    Specific questions:

    • Does beastlord dicho spell work on the bst too? If so, does that mean we can finally keep mana up while going hard on DPS?
    • With quick dots and swarm pets, can necros keep up in the fast-paced group game at all? How about raid trash mobs? Or will the only do well on names?
    • With necro dot revamp finally announced, could this change the whole conversation?
    submitted by /u/marshalcy
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    povar/quellios guild recruitment

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    apostles of covid is recruiting

    submitted by /u/ergoergoergoergo
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    Debating coming back after...20 years or so and at a total loss.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    So, where to begin, I used to play a necro on SZ, I LOVED the game, was my first MMO, and have been watching old youtube vids of EQ plays and got that itch to hear Fippy Darkpaw tell me how I have ruined my lands and will not ruin his lands and satisfaction of killing Sgt Slate in EC, Hell I remember Fansy the Bard (talk about a blast from the past). I play a few MMO's now and there are some old EQ players and we always start talking about EQ and I always smile at the memories. I think the last expansion I played was Luclin ? I think I got to 65 or 70 ? Anyway, for some reason I have the desire to do the necro thing again and have read about time locked servers. I played a Iksar Necro. Loved it. One of the memories that sticks out was shouting "Necro LFG", I don't remember the zone, but the reply was great, "Why you want a group, you are a group". Anyway, went trying to find old account info, somewhere, it did not exist so anyway, I think starting again new would be fun, but alas, I am 1000% at a loss how/where to start. I don't even know what to buy expansion wise, what's the daybreak all access thing ?

    Part of me wants that wide eyed wonder of seeing his first dragon again...OMG I remember that, EPIC. Anyway, enough nostalgia (ok, never enough but anyway) looking for advice. I would most likely want to play the Iksar necro again, do we still start in old Cabalis (I think that was it). I do enjoy grouping, but will solo if I must. Are low level groups a thing anymore ? I have herd FV is a fairly good noobie/returnie server, yes, no , mabey ? Not even sure what questions to ask about coming back.

    submitted by /u/surgh
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    Hitting a Wall

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT


    I have come and gone from this game over the past few months due to not seeming to be able to find an active group of players who are around my level and do content. My guild is active but they seem to be all end game players, many have helped, but often they are going out of thier way too. Which isnt really an issue but i want to be able to play with people who also benifit from what were doing.

    Any one else out there around 108? i am playing a bard and cant seem to solo/molo any more, i am not very interested in multi boxing past 1 other account(is this just something i will have to do? should i be expected to multibox more ?)

    Any suggestions or info would be much appreciated!

    PS: is this the most active place for community?

    submitted by /u/FootyMD
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    Where to Get Lvl 11+ Spells

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    Hi, EverQuest noob here! I just hit Level 11 as a mage, where do I go outside of Gloomingdeep to get Level 11 spells and up? Thank you in advance!

    Also, how long should I stay here? I've just about completed all the quests.

    submitted by /u/IceGiantsLivee
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    Favorite Type of Elemental Pet for Mage?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:25 PM PDT

    Hi, EverQuest noob here. I've got level 11 mage and I was wondering what type of elemental pet you guys like best and why? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/IceGiantsLivee
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    Overseer Agent Pack - How Do I Activate Them?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Bought one of these from the Marketplace, it's in inventory, right clicking it does nothing. inspect shows an activated effect, Claim Reward: Overseer Agent. No way I can see to add them via the Overseer window either.

    submitted by /u/millard_audene
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    Are mercs broken somehow?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    Was going to powerlevel a friend earlier, and my merc (only a j1) wasn't throwing the heal out to pull agg off of me. Worked in the past on j5, but hadn't done the worst yet on this toon

    Wasn't sure if broken, or if the j1 just sucks that bad that it won't do it.


    submitted by /u/wesker1213
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