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    Saturday, April 18, 2020

    Everquest Are there any good places for 10/15+ level farming? + class question

    Everquest Are there any good places for 10/15+ level farming? + class question

    Are there any good places for 10/15+ level farming? + class question

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    I'm a shaman (Vah shir shaman.) It's always been my main class (I've been experimenting, looking for new classes to try)
    Leveling up has been a little slow for me so I wanted to ask what're some good spots to farm and level up at such a low level?

    As for class questions; what's an overall good class for a magic wielding user like moi to play as? I play solo with a merc (normally a tank.) Sometimes me and my parents team and fight together, but not often.... So I wanted to ask the all knowing players what's a good solo magic class?

    submitted by /u/Peachringsss
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    server with groups avail at start?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Id really like to make a cleric, or shaman, to heal in groups, but lack the time patience to level up just to find groups (dont like soloing!) was wondering if anyone could suggest a server


    submitted by /u/userOfComputerIsm
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    Shaman vs druid main on TLP servers

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    I'm looking to main either a druid or a shaman when the new servers are out. I mainly plan to group, with the occasional solo session. They both sound fun, as I usually prefer priest type classes. The biggest downside of the shaman to me was they are extremely busy. I played one to 30 and it seemed like between cannibalize, buffs, and other spells I was constantly busy casting. I haven't played a druid, but the biggest downside I see with them is not being able to get groups as often as other classes.

    Do shamans get less active when they get higher level cannibalize and group buffs? Do druids have a hard time getting groups or is that a stigma? Any input on my dilemma would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Revanx22
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    Hero Special AA question

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Been playing on Live after having been gone for ~17 years. I'm boxing and was reading about these special AA. Do all of my accounts need to be All Access to obtain these AA? Sounds like a really good way to see a lot of what I missed instead of just grinding (makes me fall asleep).

    submitted by /u/roninnlod
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    Some raiders have a "hideaway" server.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    I love my guild and guildies to death, but sometimes I just want to play casually. They eventually find my alts, no matter how hard I try to conceal them. Therefore, I have a hideaway server.

    We raid officers are first and foremost players of EQ. We love the game. It's not fun to get blasted with guild politics the moment we log on. My guild is solid, and there's not much trauma. But at times I want to be truly ANON, and just play.

    I feel like a total fucking sellout by posting this, because there are such good players in my guild. I would happily help them with anything for the rest of my EQ days. The downers really make EQ not fun. I have been playing and raiding for 20 years now, so I have seen everything. I know it comes and goes.

    My Hideaway toon is now raid worthy. How in the fuck did that happen? Between our FIVE DAYS PER WEEK schedule, I squeaked out a toon on Bristle.

    I will never, EVER leave my Bertox guild. They are amazing humans and VERY skilled players. I just wanted to vent for all the raid officers out there.

    submitted by /u/Earthicus
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    Returning Player Looking for Advice

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I've played EverQuest on and off since launch, playing consistently through Planes of Power and coming back for a few months every 2-3 expansions. I've always played on Live and over time resorted to 3 boxing, as finding groups - despite being in an "active" guild - wasn't consistent and became the major blocker to me enjoying the game.

    My box setup on Tunare server was: 103 Druid, 103 Mage, and 103 Necro. I used the Mage pet to tank (with Necro pet as backup) and ran 2 mercenary Clerics with either a Wiz merc or a War merc depending on the situation.

    The last expansion I played in was Empires of Kunark. I was able to box this somewhat effectively, but generally couldn't do nameds consistently in current expansion content. I pretty much just ran the Heroic Adventure "Into the Hills" from Gribble in Dead Hills to try to catch up to the level cap at the time which was 110.

    My question is: is my setup still viable? I felt in later expansions that my box setup was too pet dependent; if the pets wiped it was a long ramp-up to resurrect and rebuff/re-gear pets. I'm not sure how War mercs are fairing these days (assuming they are still a speed bump or temporary meat shield if pet tank struggles).

    Does it make sense to drop the Necro for a War? I've never played or boxed one and don't know much about them in current game - but I see people suggest them frequently for box setups.

    If I wanted to add a 4th I was thinking an Enchanter. My friend plans to get back into the game with me, but in the event they don't I could potentially 4 box with War/Mage/Druid/Enchanter.

    I'm not opposed to leveling up a character or two if it means my box setup will be more effective/efficient.

    My goal here is just to have fun. I play the game for the love of the series and for the nostalgia. I'm not sure what class changes have occurred that might effect this decision and am hoping folks familiar with live could provide some guidance before I jump back into the game. I just want to be able to enjoy playing through expansions I've missed while hopefully being as self-sufficient as possible (in case groups on Live are still hard to come by).

    Any guidance or advice you can provide is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Daalyn
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    New tlp dou

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    So I'm gonna be making a sham / sk dou for the next tlp, but my question is which would benefit more from raid armor? Feel like SK would benefit more from raid armor up until a point but sham gets cool clicky stuff in luclin/pop so not sure. Appreciate everyone's insight and opinions ☺️

    submitted by /u/robodokidoki
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    Need advice for returning player on TLP

    Posted: 18 Apr 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I finally redownloaded EQ on a new PC and need some suggestion about first what class I should pick. I haven't played in nearly 10+ years so any suggestions would be great!

    Id like a class that can be used to solo if I can't find a group being a lower level on Mangler. Id also prefer a DPS or support class.

    Also, any suggestions about where I should level 1-5,6-10, 11-15.. etc etc so I kinda have an idea of where to go until I get my bearings..

    Lastly, what hotkeys do I need to know!? I tried playing last night and I can barely remember anything!

    submitted by /u/Wrightsvillian
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    Info on New TLP Release Date?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Does anyone have any info on when the new TLPs, specifically the Aradune server, are going to be live? Is this a matter of weeks or more?

    submitted by /u/nazutul
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