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    Thursday, April 23, 2020

    Everquest Logante's Lorebits - Lucan's original name

    Everquest Logante's Lorebits - Lucan's original name

    Logante's Lorebits - Lucan's original name

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Been awhile, I know! This one is a bit different than usual. Anyone who has followed my posts before will know that I occasionally post some behind the scenes information in the development\lore design of EQ.

    This one is less of a actual lore piece and more of an interesting trivia piece.

    Lucan D'Lere's original name was actually Sir Lucan de Boterlere. This was the lore designer's original D&D character (Mistmoore was another lore dev's D&D character, as well). When the lore designer was originally creating his D&D character, there was a butterfinger candy bar sitting on the table. He ended up creating a name based off of the candy bar - Boterlere.

    Once the devs were creating EverQuest, they ported some of their D&D characters over into EverQuest as NPCs (Lucan and Mistmoore are the two I'm aware of). Sir Lucan de Boterlere's name was shortened to Sir Lucan D'Lere.

    So there you have it, one of the most infamous villains and powerful liches, at least in EverQuest 2 - voiced by Sir Christopher Lee - was named after a candy bar.



    submitted by /u/RpTheHotrod
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    Have Mage/Wiz duo (FV) - Looking for 3rd box suggestions

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    So I have a level 87 Mage and Wizard on the FV server right now that I've been duo boxing. I've finally hit a point where the Merc Tank is having difficulty tanking the content, so I want to start exploring adding a 3rd box account to this duo and was looking for suggestions from people on what you feel would be the best class to add as the 3rd

    I've been told the Mage pet can handle tanking duties into higher levels, so im undecided on if I should build up a tank class or not. I was debating a Paladin as the 3rd, but if Mage pet can tank then I was looking for other suggestions and thinking outside the box on what would compliment this team the best.

    Main things I'm looking for out of this trio:
    1. Ability to do group content, quests, progression etc by myself when I can't get a group all the way to max level of 115
    2. Looking for something fairly easy to box, but I'm open minded since the Mage/Wiz are easy to play.

    I figure the DPS is covered with Mage/Wiz and Mercs as needed. I currently use 1 Healer Merc and just started using 1 Melee DPS Merc after I dropped the Tank Merc. Mage Pet has tanked ok so far, but have only really tested it in Toskirakk (zone off the Void) so not a large sample size to make a judgement.

    Not sure if Healer merc will go the same way as the Tank merc in that it will no longer be effective enough at higher levels. So far its managing to keep my pet and I alive, and I use my Pet heal/shields as needed to help.

    Some ideas I've had for the 3rd:
    - Paladin for a reliable tank (might not need with Mage pet tho?) I hear Paladins do garbage damage, but that might not matter with mage/wiz dps and mercs
    - Bard for mana regen, damage, pulling and travel song
    - Shaman for slows and extra healing (if Healer Merc wont be enough long term)

    A buddy of mine suggested I go with another Mage, so would be Mage/Mage/Wiz... not sure if that is viable or if he was joking, but he seemed serious. Also might be boring having 2 mages. I've also had someone strongly suggest a Druid or Enchanter.. and another that swears SK would be perfect addition. So I'm just soul searching and looking for advice from the community!

    I'm open to suggestions and appreciate any feedback you can provide!

    submitted by /u/AdviceGiverTaker
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    The EverQuest Show - Episode 8 - Jennifer Chan, EverQuest 2 Devs Interview and More

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    6-box Wiz (or 5+puller)?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Just curious. Has anyone tried an all wizzy group? Not sure if it would be wild and fun - or just instant death the second you pull 3 mobs.

    submitted by /u/joeyco1989
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    Common Language in FV server

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Hi, if I use common languag in FV server, can others read my words without ~@#@$$%$%^ ? Thanks.

    Gslai @ Mangler

    submitted by /u/s754025
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    Old player, want to return, not sure what server/ruleset to do so with

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    I did my best to keep this brief but failed. I distilled this post into what I think are the relevant bits, with a longer, more rambling version in the comments.

    TL;DR version: I played EverQuest for a long time, and I want to start playing EverQuest again, but I don't know where to do that.

    A couple days ago I found out about the new TLPs that are planned and have been unable to stop thinking about EverQuest since. I've been so stoked thinking about, I dunno, rolling a High Elf Enchanter and realizing that I never forgot how to navigate Felwithe; or riding the boat from Erudin to Qeynos to hang out with my half-elf homies. In short, just wandering about Norrath, slowly leveling up along the way. I even convinced a buddy to give it a try with me (and a few other people who are "maybes").

    My excitement was somewhat tempered after reading posts about how people bot farm for krono; or how true-box servers always wind up overrun by boxers who found ways around the restrictions and that once you reach max level, guilds are only functional if they have such boxers; or how there's no point to playing on a non-truebox server unless you're going to box an entire party for yourself. This is all not to mention the fact that I read that on the new TLPs, one will respawn with all their gear (?????), scaling back on what I view as one of the cornerstones of what made EverQuest so special and rewarding: its difficulty.

    What I'm looking for is as close to a return-to-form of what I view as "classic" EQ gameplay as possible and I'm not sure where to find it. I would love to relive the experience of exploring Norrath while leveling, and eventually join a guild and hit all the raids I was never able to as a kid or on PEQ. Eventually I want to get into the endgame content of the newer expansions as they are unlocked (Gates of Discord and onward) and I'm not above server hopping once I get my "fix" of that exploration/leveling experience in order to get the endgame experience I'm looking for. Heck, maybe splitting my time between two different servers to get two different things is the way to go. In my perfect world, I roll a character on either Aradune or Rizlona when they drop, find a guild/group of friends to level and party with, and this eventually grows large enough to raid. Everyone playing one single character, except for maybe that one dude playing his wife's shaman for the raid because their kid woke up screaming and it was her turn so he's madly running back and forth between two computers to keep things going. However I recognize that this is a pipe dream at best due to drastically lower population Norrath sees nowadays.

    So, here is my question: what should I do? Should I play a single-box on Aradune and hope for the best? Are the concerns I've read about not enough to ruin the experience? I'm not crazy about paying multiple subscriptions, but would two-boxing a tank and healer on Rizlona be a reasonable idea if I can afford it? Maybe Mangler has a great community and there are still people leveling up there that I can group with, should I roll a character there? Should I just go to Project1999's Green server? Does everyone box there or can I single-box and still find groups to level? Is there some other private server that provides the progression-based experience I'm looking for that I don't know about? Or is my quest in vain, and there's no way to get the gameplay experience I outline here, so it doesn't matter where I play because it's all gonna be the same?

    submitted by /u/EOT_00000100
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    [Question] Twink Necro items?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    OK, so I stole the title :) I have a new necro, lvl25(ish), looking for thoughts on twink items, I am FV, budget about 20k plat.

    submitted by /u/surgh
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