• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Everquest my 13 year old and I are gonna start playing EQ, him 1st time, Me I'm picking it back up after a long time away.

    Everquest my 13 year old and I are gonna start playing EQ, him 1st time, Me I'm picking it back up after a long time away.

    my 13 year old and I are gonna start playing EQ, him 1st time, Me I'm picking it back up after a long time away.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Ok so I have like 3 good accounts, 85 Necromancer & 63 Monk on one. The others have a druid level 75-6 ish?? and a shaman in the high 60's. My third account has the Cleric w/ resurrection and enough to be a group healer if I am boxing. I think she's level 52,3 or maybe it was 62, or 3.

    A couple Questions for you all:

    I am totally excited to do this with him, he wants to be a shadow knight and I can't come up with any reasons why he shouldn't. At lease he didn't want to make a wood elf ranger named Legolas, or a Human ranger named Aragorn. I am not quite sure which account I will activate, to play with him I have just mandated that we stick to the newbie areas until lvl 15-20. I will create a new character to play with him for the beginning.

    Is that still pretty good advice, I had a kid a few cubes down from me at work start playing again after some time away and he said the newbie areas were really good for getting XP and re-learning how to play.

    I played on Tallon Zek from 99-05, I was pretty serious into a couple of guilds with different toons, my Necromancer was at one point one of the harder players to beat PvP just because of the raid gear I had gotten. I used to also have a monk that did some serious DPS and had the Magic protection to make me hard to snare. But as all things must come to an end, good PvP came to an end too. When I saw the writing on the wall about the merge coming and some of the changes a bunch of us from Tallon Zek went to Quellious. We had a good couple of years on Quellious in the guilds I was in before the drama got me to go back to trying to solo pre PoP Raid mobs.

    Is there any hope on the pvp server? has anything changed? or is it the same few guilds/people making it impossible to progress enough to have good battles with other players?

    Thanks in advance for the advice abs opinions you will bestow upon me re these questions.

    submitted by /u/jpb4815
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    Some spells in my spellbook can’t be deleted. Anybody know why?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    I went through and cleaned up my spellbook, deleting many spells that have become obsolete. I have, however, three spells that won't give me the "are you sure you want to delete this spell?" dialog box.

    Is there a clear answer why? I have removed them from my spell bar, but can't think of a reason why the game is preventing me from removing them.

    I play on a "live" server, by the way.

    submitted by /u/Stripeless
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    Looking to add to my group. Have SK, CLR DRU BRD. Thoughts?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    Like the title says. I've got an SK, Bard, Druid and Cleric. All a couple levels short of max so dropping one isn't out of the question.

    One thought was shammy slow would be nice but already so heavy on heals. Thinking no.

    Chanter is great but already have Bard Mez / slow which aren't awesome but a thing. Really like chanters though.

    Rogue and wiz is kinda where I'm leaning or one of those and chanter. Guess I could do beast and it has slows / DPS / beast crack.

    Honestly not sure what way to go. Maybe I'm missing something else.

    I also really like utility so wiz ports, SOS, chanter buffs and charm are all awesome.


    submitted by /u/Friendlyassbite
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    Lower Guk score?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:07 AM PDT


    I found this audio file on an old PC:


    According to its metadata it was composed by greenstreetstudios.com. The file is named "guk" and was last modified on 8/27/2003. Is it the score to the lower Guk zone?

    PS Youtube videos didn't help

    submitted by /u/NewtralDice
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    Eq live FPS issues Linux

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Tried installing eq live via lutris installer and on steam with proton and I can get into game just fine but the FPS is like 10.

    I tried adding dxd9 43 with wintricks as well but still no change. I've got a Ryzen 5 2nd gen with 32 gigs of ram and AMD r9 290x and can run other games just fine.

    I tried lowering graphics, turned off shadows and lighting etc. nothing works. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/braille_porn
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    Beastlords TLPs

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    What are the best races for BST for min max? Irrelevant as some might say it is.

    How do Beastlords fare while soloing? Can they solo all the way to 65 for example?

    submitted by /u/illuminatijunkie
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    Returning UK player looking for help!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Hi all I've recently returned to EQ I used to play on FV and was in Sentinels of Truth guild! - I've started a character in Miragul (heroic server) got to 95 and then realised the guilds raids don't start until midnight when I'm going to bed lol.

    So my questions what is a better server to play on as I love and prefer to group eventually raid? Read a lot about AB being a good option for EU players?

    But then my worries are am I going to have to solo to 100 before being able to find anyone to group with? To do this will I need to 2 box?

    Should I go back to FV?

    Are there and better server options or are there any good helpful guilds on AB that would take me in! :D

    Thanks for any assistance!

    submitted by /u/KelvailLegacy
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