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    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    Everquest Anyone else still got these classic figurines?

    Everquest Anyone else still got these classic figurines?

    Anyone else still got these classic figurines?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Old friends for Aradune.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Just curious if theres any old Order of the Phoenix guildies out there or friends and if so you intend to start Aradune, I was Snayven - Necro from OOP on Saryrn , would be a damn shame to be playing with old friends or pass them by on the server and not even know!.


    submitted by /u/SirSnay
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    How viable is Enchanter charm on live?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    I haven't played since they were nerfed but have been thinking about playing on live. Is charm still worthwhile after the damage gets reduced?

    submitted by /u/simplyfe
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    Looking to jump back in and have a question or two.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    Hey all played EverQuest when it first came out Wayback in the day but then eventually stopped and went on to other mmos. Things I did not like about a request was the corpse runs that sometimes took two hours and sometimes you couldn't even get to your corpse. Lol. So my question is what servers Do you recommend I don't wanna play project 1999 I think that's what it's called because I believe it still has the old school EQ. So what do you guys recommend as far as a server goes I understand there's a new one coming out in like five days. And also I'm torn between playing a bard or a Shaman. Do bards still solo well with AOE or Was that taken away? And how are shaman these days? I like to solo because right now I don't have any other friends that still Play EQ or are looking to play so I'll be spending a lot of my time probably solo but I also like to be wanted in groups so what do you guys recommend out of the two classes I picked or any other class for that matter I'm open minded LOL. Please let me know thank you

    submitted by /u/Artaniss
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    Aradune hardcore Static seeking SK and Mage

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Static group seeking sk and mage, playing from 8am-midnight est. Looking for commited players.

    submitted by /u/Azzuden
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    I want to two box on the new TLP server, help me pick a pair?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    I'm old school. Played a Druid and a Bard way back when, and when I came back for a few months of Mangler I played a Druid again. Now I'm coming back again for the new TLP and find myself drawn to a Druid/Bard two box to just kite my way to PoP. But I want to expand, I want to grow, I want to play something new!

    So I thought about like a warrior/cleric (classic, and I have never done it) but thought that might get to boring and slow. Maybe a Shaman/SK, looks good on paper and in practice, but I'm really attached to porting around...

    Maybe some fancy caster shit?! A necro/enchanter? Mana, pets, dots, charm, snare, desirable in groups, it has a lot of pros, but still no transportation, but how attached am I really to ports? Maybe I could wedge a wizard in there somewhere, necro/wiz? I like necros I think.

    Maybe something with one of my old classes? Like Druid/necro? Oh that sounds like a killer kite team?! Is it? Do any of their DoTs overlap and not stack? Or maybe just have a tag a long hard with someone? Like just auto follow and auto twist and forget about them? That would really be beneficial for almost any class right? A bard in a box? Pocket bard?

    Never really played any pure melee classes, maybe a monk way back. But I'm open to try, I remember tales of 32k backstabs and such...any truth there?

    So that's where I'm at, you guys have any advice or opinions? Combos that have worked well for you? Combos that haven't? I'm interested in anything and everything you guys have to say so please don't hold back!

    submitted by /u/AdamTheHutt84
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    Some druid questions

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Full disclaimer, some of these are questions, and some are just me wanting to discuss some druid stuff while I wait for the new TLPs to drop. I plan on mostly soloing this time around, not because I don't like grouping (I do), but I've recently become a dad and I'm guessing my EQ fix will come in 20 - 40 minutes drips here and there.

    1. For solo exp, druids are pretty high end, right? Animal charm, dot kiting, tracking, etc.

    2. For farming names, druids are still pretty first class, right? I've played and love the necro class, but the allure of porting wherever I want is pretty big. I would imagine necros are better at exploring dungeons and farming names inside, but I'm assuming if it's outside and doesn't summon, a druid can take it down, ya?

    3. Druid charming is on par with necros, correct? I don't think druids get any magic resist debuffers like enchanters, but do get the benefit of long lasting snares to hit their charm pet with in case in breaks.

    4. Halfing exp bonus is gone, so going human isn't a major disadvantage, right? I like the Gfay area, but my original character waaaaay back when was a human and Qeynos has a special nostalgia trigger. Being out in the middle of nowhere as a druid shouldn't make a difference either, right?

    5. As a human, Karana is Tunare? Or doesn't make a big difference?

    Thanks for humoring a nostalgic fool

    submitted by /u/Vontod
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    Who will battle in the EverQuest Fighting Championship (EQFC)#6?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:58 AM PDT

    Vote on our poll: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2657989807809785/

    The event will be live streamed on twitch.tv/everquestfc Friday, June 5th @ 9pm EST.

    The EverQuest Fighting Championship (EQFC) consists of fun NPC vs NPC battles on an EverQuest emulated server. It's designed to see who would win in epic boss fights between the classic NPC's we know and love from the original 3 EverQuest expansions.

    Never miss a fight! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnRuGaQ0-LXC2nl3iLdglKw?view_as=subscriber

    submitted by /u/velketor
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    Does The Classic EQ Server Work For Mac?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    Hi, I played along time ago around launch and just saw that they have been doing these classic server launches. I wanted to know if they run on macs before I buy the all access subscription to ply the one launching on the 27th.

    Thanks! I hope it works I'm really excited to re experience this.

    submitted by /u/Nolaa504
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    Some questions on starting on a TLP server

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    I played a shaman Necro in a rude back when everquest first came out. I'm not so much interested in the Necro because I really don't like the fear kite it's boring for me LOL. So I'm thinking about maiming on the new TLP server A shaman or a Druid. Out of these two classes which has an easier time soloing because I will be spending most of my time solo because of my schedule and I have no other friends that play this game and I also would like to be desired in groups and do raids or dungeons. My question is has a shaman I remember back in the day it took forever buff people in raids or people in groups one by one has that changed at all did they include group white buffs now? And from what I've read and understand dude solos very well outdoors I can shaman solo just as well outdoors and how is their slow now. I remember back in the day it was resisted a lot of times but then again I'm talking when Everquest was brand new. Please let me know and when is the new server exactly going to start from what I understand it requires a sub which is no problem because I'm going to cancel my wow account. P. S. How hard is it to gear up nowadays? And is the shaman and a drug class very gear dependent while leveling?

    submitted by /u/Artaniss
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    Magic Jewellery

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Just returned after thrashing EQ for its first 10 years with 8 toons over two servers and started a couple of toons after not finding my old ones - servers gone. Was making good gains in jewelcraft and thought my enchanter would start making magic versions. Tried to find the recipes in my bag and nothing appeared. Is this because I am currently free play or is this a server wide thing? Seems a waste of buying all the enchant metal spells if its not in game any more.

    Thanks for any help with this


    submitted by /u/Mormagor
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    Mayong Mistmoore / Maestro of Rancor

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    Was anyone ever able to get confirmation that the Maestro of Rancor model was just the re-purposed original model of Mayong Mistmoore from beta?

    submitted by /u/merkmerk73
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