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    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    Everquest Classes In Classic Rated On Eleven Criteria

    Everquest Classes In Classic Rated On Eleven Criteria

    Classes In Classic Rated On Eleven Criteria

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    EK in VR..

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    Newbie here

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    Hello! I never played this game before and I like how it looks in youtube videos. The game is old and I don't really wan't to waste time leveling a character to find out that game is low populated, is the game population healthy? Also, I want to be heal and be useful in random dungeons groups, is that posible? Or healers aren't needed in this game? thanks ^^

    submitted by /u/jgg1988bcn
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    Can we get user flair?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Maybe for classes, races and servers? Just an idea

    submitted by /u/Brosiedon54
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    12 month all acess deals?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Last time I played properly was in 2016 and daybreak games ran a promotion where the 12 month pass was discounted to 57.50 (euros)

    I'm back playing again due to lockdown and things in life settling down a bit meaning I've a bit more time to myself.

    Anyway, just wondering do they regularly discount the 12 month pass? Looking back through old email newsletters I can't see any mention of it, seems like that might have been the last time?

    submitted by /u/tails142
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    Hybrid melee class options for the new tlp.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I love melee dps in EQ for some reason always have, but I'm wanting to do one of the hybrids cause I've done monks to death in this game. So my options here are do I go Ranger from the start on Aradune and main Ranger for my fix or do I main druid on Aradune until Luclin drops and go beastlord?

    When it comes to hybrid melee dps I don't really see any other options than these two classes. I know rangers favor bow during some eras but still keep pretty solid melee dps through out and beastlord is about the same but I've done the bst thing before and while I do love the class grouping with my wife earlier on beastlord on another server we level 40 and buffs just drive me insane on beast after grinding a few hours constantly keeping buffs on her and my pet and her pet is just too much buff maintenance.

    Just wanting some extra food for thought here. Wife is locked on mage so that means it would be a mage / ranger duo which could work I guess. Or I could go druid with wife's mage for now until Luclin drops but that means not starting my main until Luclin which means the beast main would have to play catch-up pretty hardcore to quickly get back into the raiding scene with guild and would obviously miss out on some pre nerf items.

    I guess my questions are 1. Ranger or beastlord for melee hybrid dps? 2. Will it be hard to play catch up on beastlord during Luclin to get caught back up with the expansion progression curve or will I get left behind? 3. Does buffing on a beastlord ever get any easier? because at level 40+ it only seems to get worse and maintaining like six buffs on each person with me that only has like 20 to 40 min duration makes me want to punch things. 4. Would I get shunned on a ranger for being heavy melee focused? (I'll keep my archery gained up though obviously and use it as needed)

    I only got like 2 weeks to figure this out. Lol.

    Edit: I should also mention this will be the first time I've ever been past PoP era content in EQ as I plan to keep progression going on Aradune until me and wife burn out or just the server dies and I'm actually very excited to see all the new content I've never seen over the years.

    submitted by /u/Zargo1z
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    New player question

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    What are the most populated Live servers? Also I keep hearing about this p1999 server but it's not on my list.

    submitted by /u/Shigeyama
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    Change to Social Aggro Radius?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    So I came back to EQ in preparation for the new TLP and thought I'd mess around on FV server to refamilarize myself with the game. However, while in Befallen it seems like the aggro/social aggro radius is wonky. Things that would con blue I would aggro and then all the way down the hall, in other rooms, etc would come running to assist. Is this normal? The social aggro range seem so huge and not sure how people even pull if things down the hall and from other rooms assist. Wtf

    submitted by /u/Vash135
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    Serverwide lfg at launch (TLP)?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hey - I haven't played EQ in like 10 years. thinking about playing aradune. Is the server wide LFG something built in right at launch? Or will it not unlock until the expansion it came out with?

    submitted by /u/bluebrew2
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    Ranger Playstyle on Live Servers?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    I've been a very long time and firing up a ranger again but wondering how they play these days.

    Are they heavy melee/spell or are they heavy bow/spell or a mixture of melee/bow/spell? It seems almost impossible to find any information about the game or class guides, etc. lol

    submitted by /u/SwashBucck
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