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    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Everquest Playing Aradune with a Twist

    Everquest Playing Aradune with a Twist

    Playing Aradune with a Twist

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I've been playing the TLPs on and off since their inception back in the olden days of 2006 and in hindsight I've always taken a modern approach to playing e.g. pouring over the internet to glean as much information from wikis, allakhazam, and forums to streamline my time in Norrath. While I understand that we certainly had some information available the first time around via Allakhazam, Everlore, and EQ atlas, I feel the bolus of information currently at our finger tips detracts from the overall experience of adventuring in Norrath.

    With this thought in mind, I've decided that for Aradune I'm going to play purely from memory and what information I can find in the strategy guides/manuals. I've put in some orders to stock my library (boy was the original EQ strategy guide pricey!) and am pretty excited about trying out this experiment. If I like how things go, I'll probably make this my de facto playstyle for TLPs going forward. I've also considered allowing myself to use the wayback machine for sites like Everlore but I'm still on the fence about it.

    So what do you guys think? Are any of you planning on deviating at all from the nominal modern play style?

    Edit: Was mulling it over in the shower and I think I'm going to include magazine guides/articles (e.g. PC Gamer, PC Accelerator, etc) if I can find any. I collect gaming magazines from the 90's and 2000's so I'm sure there has to be something in there!

    submitted by /u/Cypher321
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    Human Bert Necro KOS?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 07:22 AM PDT


    Can anyone tell me if a Human Bert Necro will be KOS on Erudin or Qeynos?


    submitted by /u/turnip-patrol
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    If a pack is purchased now, can it be redeemed on my Aradune character?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Aradune / Rizlona questions

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help answer a few questions I have about the upcoming TLPs. I'm looking forward to playing!

    1) Will the necro dot changes this week be in place on the new TLPs? 2) Will focus effects be in place? I think Mangler had no focus effects, but what about the 2 new TLPs next week? 3) Is there any kind of backpack bundle available in the store for these servers? I remember playing a TLP a while ago and the WR backpack + potions was very helpful. 4) Is Brewall's Maps still a thing? I have to update my UI etc., and the maps would help.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/shifty350
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    Any benefits of using a 20yr old account for the new TLP Servers?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    I remember in one of the expansions (GoD, OoW?) they introduced Veteran Rewards, which gave you perks the longer you have had your account.

    Are these Vet rewards present in the new TLP? Will they open up when the TLP hits that specific expansion?

    I have a 20yr old account that likely has all the Vet stuff, but I also know that account has a couple suspensions from stupid teenage behavior 2 decades ago.

    I know account bans usually work on a '# of strikes' system, so I don't wanna take a risk of getting outright banned just for making an Erudite joke (seen it happen) since the account already had some bad marks.

    I'm leaning towards using a brand new account for my main, but putting an Alt on my 20yr old acct -- the only thing is I don't wanna miss out on Vet AA's.

    What would you guys do? Outside of obviously, not doing anything against the TOS so you don't get banned (duh).

    What are the perks of using an old account, are there any?

    submitted by /u/Butt-Pirate-Roberts
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    Any ideas for a new TLP auctions fix for new TLPs?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    For the last couple batches of TLPs that start in classic the site TLPAuctions was wonderful for seeing what people are selling in the tunnel without being in game and such. Anybody know if there are any discord's for new TLPs with an auction section?

    submitted by /u/Bobbyflay253
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    Any Euro players gonna start on Aradune?

    Posted: 22 May 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Holla at me! I'll probably play a mage or necro, I intend on meeting as many people as possible in the game, but need some regulars to play with as well :)

    submitted by /u/birch3107
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    Aradune PST grind group looking for Cleric or Tank

    Posted: 22 May 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    Hey all! I've put together a group of friends and acquaintances to grind together as consistently as possible. So far we have:


    As you can see we could really use a tank. That said, the cleric is happy to swap to a tank if we find a replacement instead! I would say our play style/time will be between casual and hardcore with most of us being long time veterans of this game and EQ2.

    Please feel free to DM me or post here if you're interested or have questions, thank you!

    submitted by /u/iav_tdark
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    TLP. Class (monk)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    As the title suggest with the upcoming TLP, bit torn on class, Druid, Chanter, or monk. Played Druid on live from day 1 and quit at PoP. Love the Druid, also enjoy chanter and figured it'd be more viable for grouping.

    My issue comes to Monk. I loved my iksar monk, obviously can't do that till kunark releases. Think monk human is worth it? How hard is it to do the race change quest when kunark comes out?

    submitted by /u/SynthWRX
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    Chanter vs Necro for soloing and grouping

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Chanter vs Necro for soloing and grouping, your thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/surgh
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