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    Monday, May 4, 2020

    Everquest Worst Expansions versus Best Expansion

    Everquest Worst Expansions versus Best Expansion

    Worst Expansions versus Best Expansion

    Posted: 04 May 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Hello all!

    Fading here from The EverQuest Show....

    Last episode I counted down the BEST expansions in EQ. Now I'm going to countdown the WORST....

    So I need your input. Which were the WORST expansions for you in EQ?

    If you missed the previous episode, you can find it here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ihPUTyd6K8

    submitted by /u/FadingIllusion
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    Free-to-play ends on May 8. Can I use krono to get all access account.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    I started playing on Mangler a couple weeks ago because it was free. I am hooked now and I want to keep playing after May 8. I saved up my plat and bought a Krono.

    If I consume a Krono will my account become All Access? This website seems to indicate no, but I hope I am reading it wrong:

    "When a Krono is consumed, it will add 30 days of game membership time to the account associated with the character that consumed it. If that account has an existing All Access membership, the All Access membership will be extended by 30 days. If the account has a regular game membership, that membership will be extended by 30 days. If the account has no current membership, then 30 days of regular game membership time will be added to the account." https://www.everquest.com/krono

    I want an All Access account so I can join channels like /general and /auction, open up bazaar trader, have more than 2 characters, have more than 250 AAs, etc.

    Do I gotta pay $15 or can I just use a Krono to get an All Access Account.

    submitted by /u/kjkjkj2
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    For Aradune, playing a Druid vs playing a Shaman.

    Posted: 04 May 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Which class can get groups, especially for grinding?

    submitted by /u/weezersleezer
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    New player thinking next TLP

    Posted: 04 May 2020 06:16 AM PDT


    I've never played EQ but am interested in experiencing the game from the beginning. Would starting on one of the upcoming TLP servers be the way to go?

    Any opinion on which one?

    I was thinking either Enchanter or Necromancer. I mostly like support classes and ranged casters.


    submitted by /u/Imperialmage
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    Old player returning...

    Posted: 04 May 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    Hey there, I played loads of eq1 when I was a teen had a high level druid, cleric, bard, and enchanter. This time around I wanted to try my hand at DPS, and was curious on suggestions.

    I also kinda want to play an evil race as I did dwarf, elf, and human last go but am unsure if I can handle it. I recall making an ogre bst and struggling but that also could be my memory.


    edit also I intend to group as much as possible not really interested in soloing. And the new TLP server

    submitted by /u/lyse242
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    Is there a reasonable way to late start a tank on a TLP server?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    I'd like to give tanking a try on Mangler, but the start up costs to see if I actually like raid tanking look insurmountable without buying a bunch of krono. Is krono the only way to do it?

    1. I don't see any guilds recruiting ungeared warriors right now.
    2. Every guild seems to want 75+ AAs at this point.
    3. The gap between gear I can obtain myself and raid gear is huge.
    4. I know Farwater gear exists, but at 20k+ a piece, that's months of farming.

    Is there any hope for this idea? Will it become easier to catch up in LDON or GoD? What AC/HP would be good enough to be a useful tank on a PoP raid? What would you do if you wanted to start a tank now and didn't have a guild backing that idea?

    submitted by /u/SuperfluousBrain
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    How do I regen mana faster?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Hi quick question from an EQ noob! I'm a level 18 magician and I'm gaining mana back very slowly when I sit. Are there any ways to increase the speed at which I regain mana? Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/IceGiantsLivee
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    Duoing in Classic. Magician/Druid or Magician/Enchanter?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    I'm not a newbie to the game and I've played a Magician many times in the past. I'm considering duo'ing again on Aradune and while obviously both options are viable, it's late and I'm trying to put together a pros/cons list. I've previously done Magician/Bard and it was fairly powerful but I was lacking heals and teleports, which leads me to considering Druid instead. However, Enchanter paired with Magician seems like one big powerhouse of a class that can likely duo all non-raid content as I was nearly able to do that with the Bard's limited charm/mez abilities and Enchanter just amplifies those options.

    If any of you any simple pros/cons lists for each duo'ing option listed above, please share them. I'm hoping to see something that I hadn't thought of.

    With that said, I realize there's a little bit of overlap with Mage/Druid for a few spells/damage shields, albeit also what appears to be some excellent synergy. Something like the Earth pet with Druid's best damage shield and hitpoint buff + enemy snared & DoTTed up, is very appealing with Magician medding up for bigger nukes as needed and the option of Succoring if things go to shit, is massively appealing.

    However, Enchanters are king in Classic> and even Magician's epic pet doesn't compare to snagging a good pet in Chardok and buffing it up. But coupled WITH Magician's epic pet, Clarity/Haste/an okay Slow as well as Mage AE's and nukes and always having both Tash and Malo available, is also a very tempting scenario.

    Is there any obvious downside to either that I'm not seeing? Some quest items I won't have access to? A racial skill I'm not realizing might be beneficial? But seriously, just any pros and cons would help out. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Isolatte
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    Beginner: Leveling Spots?

    Posted: 04 May 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    Hi, this is my first play through of EQ and I was wondering where I should go for leveling spots. I just hit Lvl 20 (mage) in Blightfire Moors, where should I go level for Lvl 20-25? Thank you so much in advance!

    submitted by /u/IceGiantsLivee
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